
Do you think that divorced parents come back together to grieve for the lose of their child?

by  |  earlier

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I was just thinking about things and i thought "My parents are divorced, but if i died do you think they would grieve together? Like cry and hold each other at the funeral, even though they've moved on to new partners?"

What do you think?




  1. i think you need to not blame yourself for your parents divorce. Talk to your parents about it if you feel comfortable enough.

    friends are good too.


  2. no......

    so dont get any ideas...

    they would blame themself for everything they did but they woulnt get back together.

  3. go talk to your parents immediately.  tell them how you feel.  your dying will not bring them together.  what ever caused their break up it  was not you.  they both love you .  you can not get them back together.  i know it is hard for you to take but think of your own life and be happy.  tell the parent you live with that you want to go into counseling.  they both have other people and have moved on.  you have to do the same.  hope this helps you

  4. I think that depends on the two people and why they got a divorce. It would also depend on the new mates they have, and if they would understand two people sharing grief for the lose of their child.  I would be able to grief with my ex husband, but his wife would not understand that at all, and so for her benefit I would stay on the other side of the room. She is very jealous of me, and could not handle any type of reaction with me from her husband.  

  5. Dangerous territory don't go there!

    No they won't  

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