
Do you think that every?

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life bearing exoplanet is given the same choice that God gave Adam and Eve here on Earth? Could it be that some may have passed unlike our forebears?




  1. if there is a god ,he has not done much to create new life on other planets.

  2. yes

  3. First, along with many Christians I do not take the story of Adam & Eve to be a literal story (all true) but a metaphor used to explain in terms maybe humans could understand the fallibility of humans and thus seperation from God.

    However, I go futher and say that no human being could comprehend what they talk about as God (all knowing, all powerful, perfection) much less what his thoughts may be on any subject one can name. Humans (not God) wrote the Bible and chose to follow it.

    No, there is no society, planet, being, or anything else (of intelligence) in existence that never made a mistake and/or needed a story to explain something and created (spoken, verbal or some form of communication we can't imagine)  a story about a beings poor choice.

    So, if they passed the Apple test, they failed the Grapefruit test (or whatever) since the choice in the story is only about imperfection.

    Also, how arrogant of man to assume that we failed the test, perhaps that was the outcome God wanted (and foresaw) to allow us freewill and those willing working toward being better people.


  4. I believe that any "exoplanet" species out there that has evolved to a level of intelligence that allows for self-awareness will develop a creation myth to help explain their culture and how they came to be.

  5. That would depend on whether you believe in God in the first place.  I don't.

    As for other planets, I think there is life out there somewhere.  At whatever stage of it's own evolution, some may be ahead of us, others, behind us.

    If God made all things, and made life HERE AND on another planet, God would not allow that other life to visit us - because it would confuse us as to our origin.  Since I don't believe in God, I suspect that IF we are being visited, that would be another sign of a non existent god.


  6. I don't understand why "we" cannot be connected on your "profile"!!! (I would love to discuss stuff with ya!) I don't know what is wrong!??

  7. By the fact that you question as to whether or not God created another Adam and Eve on another planet tells me that you believe in that as the origins of the human race so there is no reason for me to question your beliefs as it pertains to your spiritual inclinations. Therfore since you believe in a God then for this question I will assume you believe in his omnisicence/omnipresence/omnipotence and the fact that He is the creator of eveyrthing He is the creator of the Universe/He is the creator of the exto universe and of course He may be a She depending on your poijnht of view. You muct therefore believe that God created man in his image . Of course in a biblical sense if GOd did in deed creat man in his image and since Eve was derived form the rib of ASdam then I guess God is a man after all.Did he/she  see a need to creat his/her image in -on other /worlds-galaxies? Maybe not or maybe so. However that brings us back to the age old question. Is there life as we know it on other planets. Maybe and maybe not. The general perception is that if so then they must be of a higher intelligence then ourselves . Why is that the prevalent thought.? Why couldn't we at some time in the future find our like selves out there but not yet developed to our stage of intellligent design. They coudl be out there grappling with the same questions that we are and without the exixting science to connect. Much the same way we are fumbling here on Earth. What makes us believe that we need to send out radio signals to the far reaches of outer space with recordings of some Beatle song. How presumptious is that.? Of course in the final anlysis what difference to you and I and all mankind does itmake if there is another Adam and Eve out thre in the garden of Eden  Of course if they never partook of the apple then that means they got it right. And that my friend may be the heaven/life ever after/ that most of us seek after we pass form this life to the other side. Many a poor believer or an atheist change their minds at the 11th hour. It is called survival and our deisre to continue living regardless in what fashion it may be or what beliefs we  must adopt in order to be given antoher chance. A lot of ex atheist turn to God at the hour of their death

  8. This is for gerty..I checked out his profile..He has email & opened Q&As....What are you referring to???

    About your question...I think to answer this ...I'd have to think on it ...for a loooooonnnnngggg time...and hope some "spirit" would give me an answer to this...cause I sure don't have one. I'm not even sure I understand it!

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