
Do you think that everyone has a chance to become enlightened in one life time?

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Do you think that everyone has a chance to become enlightened in one life time?




  1. enlightenment is not the emancipation from reality of your consciousness you are seeking.

    recommended reading: dialectic of enlightenment - adorno and horkeimer  

  2. In one lifetime no...I think that like everything else it takes a lot of trial and error. I believe it would be impossible to become enlightened in one single lifetime because your soul would be too young to retain that sort of wisdom.

    On the other hand, now that I think of it, you could become enlightened in one lifetime if you have had many lifetimes preceding it. As in finally achieving enlightenment in this lifetime.

  3. If that were true, why would we have other lifetimes? I'd say no....

  4. Does everyone become enlightened? No.

    Does everyone have a chance to become so? Yes.


  5. friend.

    it is not that easy .A single life is no sufficient and one has to take many many births and if luckily a SDGURU blesses him/her  and he practices with devotion , THEN HE MAY REALISE OR GET ENLIGHTENED.

  6. Anything can happen!


  7. no qualification needed to be what you are, to realize that that what you have been searching for was already where you have been searching from.

  8. No, not everyone. Only those who want it badly enough.

  9. what do you define as a life time? hb being enlightned? i do not believe humanity is the final step at least i hope not...

    i believe that you determine wether or not you are "enlightened"

  10. not in one lifetime. that's why we keep coming back. do you think after kindergarten your an educated person.

      we need experience and fall occasionally and learn from our mistakes. need to understand that our actions brings consequences.

      its a long long process.

  11. Perhaps this life is enlightenment. Buddhism speaks much on enlightenment, however we can not study Buddhism we can only study the way to Buddhism because to know Buddhism is to know enlightenment. The way I see it is that everything is enlightenment and Buddha knows enlightenment, if we can know our heart (center} we would know Buddha, know ourselves.There can not be enlightenment without Buddha and there can not be Buddha without enlightenment.You have asked a question that in Buddhism it is said it would take 84000 Elephants just to carry the ink that has been used to write on this subject.However I will give you the short answer to your question, ~YES~

  12. Yes,just as every seed has potential to become the tree.

    Just as seed needs proper soil,water,nutrients to grow into

    a tree,a man who wants to actualise his potential self should

    work hard for it by withdrawing his attention from the affairs of

    nonself,instead focus all his attention to the source of thought

    which is self.There is no ego apart from the idea of it.It believes the lie of it's own existence.With the advent of self-knowledge through

    self-enquiry we will come to know that ego is just a concept

    and it has no locus standi.This realisation is called enlightenment.

  13. conditioning precludes many from the capacity to do so.

    it is possible

    vajrayana says yes.

  14.    I believe it to be more opportunity than chance....and why only one life time?

  15. The first step towards door of enlightenment shall be...

    the "ability to pursue" and "willingness to perceive"....

    ..or else, it would be merely just a peek from the window...

    ...with eyes closed.

  16. Only if it is the last one .

  17. Possible, not probable.

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