
Do you think that fear is secretly the source of laziness?

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Do you think that fear is secretly the source of laziness?




  1. yes, it often is.  we don't want to fail something, anything, so we decide not to do it.  eventually this becomes a habit, because it is human nature to form habits.  hence, laziness comes not only as a form of escaping our fears now, but also simply because we CAN be lazy, and it is within our comfort zone to be lazy.  it takes courage to break that habit.

  2. Not totally.  There are actually a large number of the global population who have sociopathic personalities.  These folks have little interest in working for success.  They get their satisfaction by utilizing manipulation to get what they want.  Another dynamic that contributes to the appearance of "laziness" is lack of self confidence.  That characteristic is not one provided at birth.  It is the result of constant familial criticism.  

  3. Depends.  Fear is a de-motivator, which could result in laziness.  

  4. No.  I think resistance to hard work or planning for the future is the source of laziness.  In other words, living for the moment.

    For me.  I'm not fearful of success but I am quite lazy.

  5. fear is the opposite of faith.  fear makes you cringe withdraw and not do anything.   hence the expression 'frozen with fear'.   that is not laziness.

  6. It's definitely a big source.  Fear of failure, losing the comfort zone, the unexpected, the unknown, responsibility.

    But the other side of fear is resentment.  People hate things that threaten the ego life where comfort and security are threatened.  Hate becomes fear.

  7. Fear, it can be argued, can also be a source of diligence.  Fear of becoming fat: exercise each day; fear of poverty: work work work, etc...

  8. great theory!... but it may be the oppisite!!!!!

    fear of failing - most poeple feel this on the last days of their deadline and only act then.


    fear of not fitting in - makes u act in dressing up, going places, communicating

    fear of parents - do your house work

    #and so on..

    ALL make u act upon

  9. "Emotions:  Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D., and

    "Mindset," Dr. Carol Dweck, are good re fear --> indecision --> laziness, sloth or slowness.

    The fear may be related to fear of failure, fear of impurity, fear of deciding which in turn may expose one to failure, impurity, etc.

  10. absolutely!

  11. one source but take this example

    i am not afraid to do well in school and be the "perfect" student however im very lazzy about it all. that laziness stems from seeing the inherent bs in much of what i am supposed to do, not from a fear of not doing well. i cant really prove that but ive never been good at lying to myself nor do i see the point of lying to others.

  12. How about disinterest?

  13. no i think laziness is more of mind over matter or just plain racing thoughts of the worst...

  14. so many theories floating around. which one do you pick, i wonder. who is right and who is wrong. maybe the dalai lama could guide us. dunno. i guess we are supposed to be fearful since we are like other animals. my cat is frightened by lots of things when she goes outside. it protects her up to a point. she had better be afraid and alert when strange dogs come around. but people have more abstract things to be afraid of and that complicates understanding, doesn't it? the media and politicians can create a lot of fear and anxiety. a letter from the bank with an overdrawn notice can strike fear in the heart of little people working from paycheck to paycheck. living one paycheck away from big trouble. the adrenal gland and the homones etc. make it happen. the comfortable minority probably cannot relate.

  15. yes and lack of confidence  

  16. In some instances yes, but certainly not all.

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