
Do you think that gas prices will go down to $1.99 a gallon if VP Palin persuades McCain to drill in the ANWR?

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Think about it...even though John McCain says that he's against drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, Sarah Palin is all for it!

So, even though I'm an Obama supporter, I'm also looking for the dreadful possibility that McCain might still win the presidency. So, would the lowering the price of a gallon of gas to below $2.00 if ANWR is exploited be the silver lining in a McCain administration?




  1. it wont even go below 3.00

    the ANWR doesnt even have 6 months worth of gas for the US anyway so gas prices will drop 25 cents for a few months, tops

  2. Gas will never go down below $2.00 again.

  3. I think that it would bring the price down but we will never see $2.00 gas again.

  4. $2.00 gallon of gas is a thing of the past

  5. Domestic drilling plans have little to do with the price of gas..if they do change it, they will change it very little...nothing drastic like $2 gas or anything. The point of domestic drilling, however, is this:

    Every year, we send TRILLIONS of dollars to Saudi Arabia (the world's leading producer of oil, Russia in second) for oil. Everyone wants to be best buddies with King Fahd, and every time he even so much as coughs, people freak.

    Wouldn't it be great is we could send a great deal of those trillions of dollars to companies in our own country, stimulating our own economy?

    That's what domestic drilling is all about.

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