
Do you think that giving money is a type of apathy?

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  1. if u give because u think that is saving u dont bother..if u give because u are pure at heart and u believe in doing the right thing then it is good..He can read the heart

  2. It CAN be - but by definition as a blanket statement it is not.

  3. It's an easy way to get peace of mind sometimes. Although realistically some folks aren't in a position to fly off to the Sudan to build wells for villages, but if they can help finance them, the choice to make the donation is a real one.

    I feel that a lot of members of political parties pay apathy money and steer clear of any real activity.

  4. If you are talking about giving money to charities as a form of apathy to social ills, then no. I think a lot of people feel guilty for not having or making the time to actually be involved or they feel like someone else is better qualified or has better access to resources that will help. I think people give money when they genuinely want to make a difference but don't know how and/or don't have the time or energy to do more.

    (The exception to this is when people donate money for the tax write-off which is disturbing and beyond apathetic.)

    However, if you are talking about self-important rich people paying money as a "carbon-offset tax" to make up for their wasteful lifestyles, then yes, that is apathy.

  5. I really dont care!!!!!!!!!  And I wont give money, either.

  6. My opinion is that some people give money either because

    they want to do the right thing by giving to a legitimate

    charity or they do it for tax reasons

  7. I think that it can be a form of apathy.  Some people give money to soothe the conscience, but are really uninterested in the causes to which they give money.  I wouldn't say that giving money is always a form of apathy; some people really care about their chosen causes.  Those people usually make an effort to keep informed, and possibly also donate their time as volunteers.

  8. It depends on the context.  Some give to charities because they believe in the cause.  Some, because they want the tax write-off.  In the case of family, if money is given as a substitute for affection, that's a form of apathy.

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