
Do you think that going green is just a trend?

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I have seen/heard numerous advertisement from HUGE companies boasting about how they're committed to selling green products and all that jazz.

Certain companies are challening us to use more Earth-friendly material, to use less than what we use now, etc.

Do you think it's just a marketing ploy on their part or do they really care? If you were not Earth-conscious before, has something suddenly inspired you to care?

Is this "going green" thing just a trend or do you think people will actually start to care?

If you have been Earth-conscious for some time, what do you think about the sudden push for conservation and recycling?

As Americans, we're the biggest consumers and wasters on the planet. We could make a huge impact.....your thoughts?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. I think by the time everyone goes GREEN we will all be black as in dust lol....a little to late.....

  2. I sure hope this is not a fan. My sister is a vegetarian...I am referred to as a hippie for choosing to live more 'naturally' I am all for this!

  3. Its a trend for people who follow trends.   For the rest of us its a way of life.   I'd suggest those who say to cut down on buying stuff you don't need, don't buy their stuff.

  4. yes americans and japan and places like that need to act NOW and not ruin the planet for the rest of us that are trying.the uk only prodces 2% of the yearly co2 emmistions yet we all try still..Its vital wer ALL act NOW other wise our children are going to pay the price.anybody who cant be bothered to turn there lights of after them or drive to the shops when they only 5 mins walk away needs shooting. i dont see the problem.

  5. Got to thinking about your question.  I havent seen a great deal of companies moving toward ecological move.  I did see some companies or brand using oragnic cotton and some others trying to support woodland etc.  I hope it`s not a trend and if it does go on they support the environment and charities a lot more.  Recycling is a very good thing where i live there have been more recycling projects going and more continue to happen.  It would be nice to see it grow and more people recylcle.  Hopefullly this will carry on.

  6. It would be great if it lasted, but unfortunately it is just in style right now. If you look in a teen magazine you are likely to find a shirt that advertises "going green", but even that shirt is made of  some plastics and non-organic cotton.

  7. If you saw what is going to happen to this planet in years to come, I think that you would go green,, or try your best to make this a better earth for all.

  8. it is more like follow the leader in order to maintain a client base    mr  doodles

  9. 'Do you think it's just a marketing ploy on their part'

    'fraid so, apart from some genuine green companies e.g. body shop (i have been to their factory in 2000, they had a reed bed sewage system!) and groups such as the fair trade network.

    that's not bad, economics is a big driver. we just have to press for regulation and watch out for 'greenwash'.

    'Is this "going green" thing just a trend'

    lol! if so i have been trendy for 20 years, i hope that aint so...

    no, everyone will have to join in soon or we are stuffed. again, one for regulation especially of big business.

    'If you have been Earth-conscious for some time, what do you think about the sudden push for conservation and recycling?'

    cautiously optimistic. its like watching a tanker turn around, painfully slow.

    i found out the other day i could drive to the local town and back (30 miles) and cause the same emissions as eating one beef dinner, that has pulled me up short, i have stopped eating beef. so respect to you, vegans!

  10. No not at all. It's not a trend. I am studying design now and a huge part is ecological responsibility. I hear it day in and day out. Take a look at e-waste if you want to see where it is all going. There's millions of electronics we have to deal with now, and have no way to dispose of them. If anything design for dissassembly is the future. With 6 billion people, and the planet's population doubling every 15 years how can this be a trend? We can't live the life of our parents, it's not even possible.

  11. no

  12. Environmental concerns and recycling are nothing new.  

    Just a few examples from human history:

    Recycling has been around for ages, since the first metalworkers melted old swords and shields down and used the metal to make new weaponry.

    Many historians believe that a contributor to the fall of Rome was the lead piping used for the water supply.  The lead-tainted water made everybody dumb or crazy or both.

    The black plague in Europe was found to be largely the fault of filthy conditions and poor waste management in crowded cities.  The filth attracted rats which carried fleas which carried the plague.

    In London in the 1800s, a law was passed prohibiting citizens from burning coal for heat when members of Parliament were in town because it fouled the air so much.

    Around the turn of the 20th century, Teddy Roosevelt was an enormous supporter of environmental conservation.

    In the 1970s, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring practically gave birth to the modern environmental movement.  The book was about DDT, an insecticide, and how it was killing the birds who ate the bugs that were laced with the poison.

    I'm glad to see that we are finally turning technology into a workhorse for preventing pollution rather than creating it.  

    I'm not so sure that buying more is the solution, and I'm sure that there are a lot of people out there just trying to make a buck, but going green is more about making choices than buying products.  It could be as simple as taking a walk down to the store instead of driving if it's not too far, which both saves money and is a good way to exercise.  If anything, it's about saving money by not wasting.

  13. Currently it is indeed a huge marketing campaign.  Recylcing and the green movement has been around forever, however it is only now that big businesses are cashing in, and of course everyone wants to appear as though they are on top of all the current news so it just keeps rolling.   The large companies will get bored with the huge push they've been "campaigning" for so far, but people will learn lessons from this though so it is positive

    However, we have to remember that there has already been  at least two mass extinctions of Earth's previous rules due to other reasons (the stopping of the ocean currents, and the large meter collision in South America).   In both cases the organisms that dominated the world at that stage were wiped out.  However bacteria remained and evolved into different life forms.  So all in all, there will be another mass extinction, which will most likely wipe out man, however another life form will evolve and survive and thrive in the new conditions that Earth has provided.

  14. It's like being vegetarian.  Trendy and feel-good, with little true benefit, if any.

  15. I don't think it's a trend. I'm not a "tree-hugger" (no offense intended) but I believe that we are responsible for taking care of what God has given to us. If we don't "go green" and use recyclable products and continue to recycle we are going to run out of places to dump the things that never break down. God gave us dominion over the Earth. That means we're in charge of it. I've been recycling most things for over 20 years now, may be longer. When you make it a part of your life it's easy to get into the routine.

  16. i hope it lasts

  17. It is supposed to be a switch into a conscientious or responsible attitude towards our Environment.that should remain and grow.

    A Philosophy which should have been implanted into the genetic memories of Adam and Eve.

    Unfortunately the concept is abused as everything else is .

    This will distort the purity of the original intentions ,and subsequently will result in people rebelling against the concept.

    Oh woe is US

    this is my solution

    A mentality that will adopt and enjoy a Garden Culture

    But i fear many have stayed too far from Eden to realize its benefits


  18. No, it's not just a trend. BUT I think you have a great point that some companies are using it as a marketing tool. But SO WHAT! Let them do it for whatever reasons they want. Not only does going green help the enviroment but I find it helps slow down the need for consuming so much "stuff".  Once you see how old things can be new things you find a great pleasure in knowing you helped save something from becoming waste and hopefully by not purchasing the new dining table saved some moola too! Good luck to all on this adventure of going green!

  19. Being green is NOT a trend.  Advertizing that you are going green a trend, but truly caring about the environment is not a trend.  Just like being a motorcycle rider is not a trend, but buying a motorcycle was a trend for awhile.  These companies usually are not going green, but are looking for things that they are already doing that could be considered green and spending money on publicity that they could be spending on actually cleaning up their act.

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