
Do you think that going green is "good"?

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Do you think that going green is "good"?




  1. green is not only good but its the best especially this point in time that we are suffering a global warming situation.

  2. Yes there are so many benefits of going green. Sometimes it can save money and more importantly our environment. It can also give many heath benefits. The reason to go green are numerous and quit good. Do it.

  3. yessss i love our planet

  4. yes

  5. I think it's great to help the environment,just don't go too far.Conserve if you can just don't overdue it.You don't have to go buy a hybrid car and go vegetarian to help the environment.The best thing you can do is try to reduce,reuse,and recycle.

  6. Yes, but in a reasonable and meaningful fashion. By reasonable I mean taking steps to actually use less of the worlds resources, not just "feel good" tactics, and demands for emotionally contrived legislation that could cripple our economy.

    If you really want to be "green", turn the thermostat WAY down, shut off all those lights, instead of doing the Al Gore, (buy energy credits, but live the same way).

    Take a common sense approach, and that may require some small inconvenience on your part, and some $$ from your wallet.

  7. Yes, I do. Putting gases into our environment, chopping down excessive amounts of trees, and throwing away things that can be recycled are damaging our earth. If we have the sense to take one second and think about what our actions are doing for future generations, we can save our world and improve its well being. How hard is it to turn off a TV, radio or computer when it is not in use? How difficult is it to use the back of a sheet of paper rather than grab a new one, or get a fake tree for Christmas this year than a real one? And really, anyone can put a bottle or cardboard box into the recycling rather than in the trash can. Some people think that global warming is not happening, but the effects show everyday. Hurricanes, unexpected and long lasting warm weather, melting Arctic, dying polar bears and penguins...really, it's just selfishness. We need to stop thinking of ourselves and think of our environment, our world and our children, who are the next generation and who will live in the world that we have left for them.

    You don't have to be like Al Gore and take drastic measures, but you should be cautious. So the next time you decide to throw your pop bottle in the garbage, or leave the lights on in your house "just because", think twice. Think of the impact it is leaving on our world. It's worth the extra second it would take to put the bottle in the recycling or shut off the lights, because the impact lasts a lifetime.



  8. No.

    I think being environmentally aware and conscientious is great, but I think a lot of people who “go green” lose sight of the big picture.

    For instance someone asked which was “greener,” using hot or cold tap water when boiling water for cooking. And the real world answer is that is doesn’t really matter. If you want to reduce the amount of energy you waste there are better things to worry about than what sort of tap water you use.

  9. duh every1 should go as green as they can,  unless they dont care about the enviroment

  10. you might me bored to death but you pay less for electricity if u take out all the plugs. cuz if u just leave them plugged they are still using energy. and also u might want to take shorter showers.

  11. We only have one planet. The more stuff we use up, and don't recycle, the quicker we are going to make it uninhabitable.We need to recycle and reuse everything we possibly can, keep itout of the landfills and make it useable again. And, by the way, that means NOT buying artificial Christmas trees. Consider this: Christmas trees are farmed, that means they are a renewable resource. Not cut from the wild. When you are done with your tree, you can do several things with it: you can put it outside for a bird tree, decorated with food for the birds, and it will be shelter duriing winter storms. When spring comes, it can go on a brush pile to shelter animals like rabbits, turtles, etc. If you choose to get rid of your tree, you can take it to a city collection point, where it is chipped up for mulch, that you can get later to put on your garden, where it will nourish your plants. Or you can give it to your conservation department, who will sink them in lakes to provide habitat for fish. The cut tree is useful for its entire life. When you are done with that fake tree, what good is it? It can't be recycled, so it is going to go to a landfill, where it will deteriorate in oh, say, 200 years. And it is made with petroleum products, which adds to pollution and depletes our petroleum supply. Think how many fake trees are going to go to landfills this year alone, as people buy the new ones with built in-lights andpretty decorations. A cut tree will never end up in a landfill, and even if it did, it would eventually add to the soil, not ruin it.

  12. no im black

  13. Well if it does people and the environment good, then why not?

  14. going green helps everyone. it helps the enviornment and the people and animals that live in it. going green also, energy wise, saves you LOADS of money!

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