
Do you think that having another biological child after you have adopted one previously is right?

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have been informed that it is againest adoption regulations to conceive again after an adoption. Anyone else heard this before?




  1. Iam both a Father and Step Father. Sure it is wonderful if you have both biological and non biological children as long as you show no partiality and love them both not making a difference between the two and insist that all your family members do the same. I commend you on your desire for both and may God bless you and your family.

  2. No I haven't heard that and know that in Illinois it has happened because I know of two families that have done that...

  3. No, that's not true. You can have another child.

  4. ???  who are they to tell you if you can or cannot have a child?  plus, what if it were unplanned?  i would check into that because that doesn't seem logical.

  5. Never heard of that. I don't see the problem. Some adopt because they can't have a baby at the time, but later they do.  What, would they take away that child instead of having them in a loving home.?

  6. Whats wrong with it??? all kids need love and parents whether they're biological or adopted.

    Just make sure you don't treat them differently....

  7. I don't think thats true.  My sister is adopted and she is 5 years old than me.

  8. My sister is adopted and I am a bio child of my parents, I am younger than my sister. If anything to have another bio child would be a great way to bond with the adopted child more, get them involved their baby brothers/ sisters life, creates more of a family unit. and this other sibling will never know the difference because the adopted child has always been there

  9. That's stupid! They should not tell you not to have another child. What about all those couples out there that find out that they are pregnant right after they adopt? Should they not have their child because they adopted one? No they should be able to have as many as they want. Just make sure you treat all your child as close to the same as you can. I know not all children can be treated the same because of their personalities but don't treat the other like they are less than because they are not blood. No matter what they are your children all of them blood or not. No one should be able to tell you that you can not have another child. That's like saying after you adopt one you shouldn't adopt another one. If you can take care of them then I think you should have as many children as you want

  10. What do they say that they will do if you get pregnant after adopting? Take away the adopted child? Take away the biological child? Or do they require sterilization before you can adopt?

  11. That is patently ridiculous.  What country do you live in?  That is most definitely not an American law - and if an American is telling you this and is exercising some authority on this very matter, you need to sue.  This angers me.

  12. No. As far as I know, there is no regulations against conceiving a baby after an adoption. Take a look at Angelina Jolie, she's adopted 2 despite having 1 of her own.

    As far as it's right, It only effects the adopted child if you treat the children differently. ie. Giving more attention to the conceived child. Provided they are brought up both equally loved and given the same attention and upbringing then that's all that matters.

  13. no it's not that's crazy. adoption isn't just for people who don't have biological children or can have them or who aren't going to have them it's for whoever wants tog ive the gift of a family toa  child who is not so fortunate

  14. No I have not heard of this and I have many friends that A) are adopted and have a younger sibling that is a biological child of the parents, or B) are the biological child and have an older adopted sibling. They are all well-adjusted and healthy adults now. Adopting and have biological children all depends on the parents. If they treat all the children the same, well not the same because every child is treated uniquely, but with same love and affection, and attention, then there usually isn't a problem.

  15. No. I mean you should be able to do it

  16. Never heard that.  In fact it sounds stupid!  I was adopted as a baby, then my parents had 2 biological children, my 2 younger brothers.  No big deal.

  17. No, that is stupid.  It is your choice or good fortune to have a biological child.  You adopted for what ever reason and good for you for giving that child a good home.  I'm sure your current child will love having a baby brother or sister.  Don't listen to people.  The docs told my Aunt she could never have children.  So she adopted then a miracle happened and she had a baby boy and their first child loved and still loves his brother and now they both have a younger sister.  They all are very happy and you wouldn't even know he was adopted.  It is your choice to do what ever you want.  No one can tell you not to have a biological child.  What if it happend by accident!  That is just stupid.  You go have your baby and live happily ever after with all of your  children.

  18. why would it be? that is bull!

  19. I have never heard of this before.  How can they have the right to tell you that you cannot conceive if you adopt?  In addition, why is it okay for a person to adopt after they have had children.  Sounds pretty shady to me.  If I were you I would consult a lawyer.

  20. Who informed you of this? That isn't true. It couldn't be. How can anyone stop you from having a child after you adopt? That is impossible. If it WERE true, it would be a Constitutional lawsuit waiting to happen. In any case, I know at least two examples from people I personally know where they adopted a child, and later had biological kids of their own. Nothing happened, except that the adopted kid had some siblings to play with.

    p.s. Someone above made a good point. I admittedly presumed you were in America, but the fact is that a lot of people here are not. If you live otherside the United States, I easily could be wrong.

  21. Huh, do you have a link or something? I wanted to adopt, too, but it takes so long and is expensive.

  22. Nobody can tell you you can't have children, but I see some parents around today and I question whether they should be allowed to have children, either naturally or through adoption.

  23. I'm the oldest of three children. Both myself and my younger brother were adopted. My mom had had several miscarriages and thought she could not conceive. This was an issue for them while adopting me. My birth mother specifically wanted a family who could not conveive to adopt me. She didn't want the family to have a biological child and an adopted one. She thought there might be some discrimination or preference. However, my mother did have my younger sister several years later.

    I don't think this is against any law, it doesn't sound like it could be in the US anyways, but depending on the agency you are going through, perhaps your specific agency has regulations.

    Some people will say parents love all their children equally, so there is nothing to not wanting to mix biological and adopted children.  But I think at least some people, if they really look into their hearts, do favor one child over another, even in families where no children are adopted.  Doesn't the oldest usually get just a little more pressure and the youngest a little more help and sympathy?

    In my family, there is definately a difference between the adopted children and the natural one. Personality is definately a lot nurture, but also part nature. We three kids are quite different from each other both physically and mentally.  But my sister is just like my parents, both in physical and mental aspects. Things like intelligence and certain preferences are passed down. My brother and I also have more mental issues than my sister, who is very well-balanced. I think many adopted children will go through some mental issues, such as depression, at some points in their lives, just because of the experience of being adopted.

    So I think it is wrong for someone to say there will be no difference in the children. But I also think it's wrong for them to tell you you can't have another child. My birth mother was right. My parents have always been the best with my sister, partly because she is so much like them, partly because she is the youngest. But I know that they love all of us and I am grateful to have been taken in by a loving family who had much better means to support me than my birth mother did. Maybe she and I look alike and are more alike in personality, but living with her I wouldn't have gotten to go on so many vacations every year, wouldn't have been taken to museums and cultural events, would have gone to school in a poor and troubled school district. I'm sure I would have a similar personality, but I wouldn't have turned out to be anywhere as near as intelligent or healthy as I am today if I had grown up with her.  So maybe my parents do show some favoritism, but I am thankful to them for taking me in and giving me a really good start in life.

  24. This is absolute garbage.  Many people have biological children after they adopt a child.  There are thousands of families in this country raising this type of "blended" family.  And there is absolutely NOTHING that can be legally done to you if you choose to have another child after adoption.

  25. Never heard of that.

  26. One of my friends is adopted; so is his older brother (brother by adoption, not by blood).  But he also has four younger brothers who were biological.

    I think you're in the clear :)

  27. no that rubbish

    nobody can say 'no you cant have children'!!!

    Thats just not right

  28. That is absolutely c**p I know a couple who had one natural child, adopted 1, had another natural child, then adopted another one.

  29. i think it is ok as my sons father and his sister is adpoted. Sence he was 6 weeks old and she was only 6 weeks too. So i think it is normal to do that

  30. I think it's fine. You wouldn't tell a mother to not have another child simply because her other one would feel bad. And to have adopted a child means that you are looking after it as tough it were your own. If you fostered, then perhaps it would be different, but with an adopted child I can't see a problem.

    It's most certainly not against any laws. That would infringe civil rights. Everyone has the right to birth a child (if they can). If there are regulations in place to stop it, I'm going to protest!! In love and light, Tasha x

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