
Do you think that horses have a heart?

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just my friend said that they dont have a heart but i think they do what are your veiws just i was abit shocked when she said it as she has had horses for about 40yrs




  1. yes and it beats just like yours and mine

  2. hmmm... i dunno so much about horse having  a feeling but i do see my fish swimming around happily when i am near his bowl..

    he did look sad the day i took out his favorite plant, where he used to hide, out his bowl. he sat at one corner of the bowl without moving till i replaced the old plant with another new plant...

  3. Of course they have a heart!!  That's what keeps their blood flowing.  She has no clue what she is talking about and I'd stop listening to what she has to say.

  4. The most important thing for us as humans to do in our relationships with horses is to always remember that they are horses and we should let them be horses in their horse world. Don't try to equate them with human feelings like a Disney movie. Now that that's said I believe horse's have feelings, of course.

      Horses have physical feelings as far as the ability to physically feel. They have a highly developed tensile sense, which is the reason why a horse's skin will quiver when a fly lands anywhere on it.

      As for emotional feelings studies have shown that all mammals have some type of that too. It isn't the same as humans however. Most "feelings" a horse demonstrates is due to instinct. But if you're asking does your horse feel happiness or sadness I would say emphatically, "Yes." Horses get excited when they see herd members they like, foals play and kick up their heels. Most of this is instinctual but there are feelings involved also.  

      The simple answer is YES!

  5. Of course horses have hearts! If not, how could they survive? Your friend may be talking about horses that have heart attacks. You can refer to the website below if your friend is talking about heart attacks for horses.

  6. mu dear;

    that's a stupid can they live if they have no heart ...heart is the most important thing in every alive's body  ok?...

    and what is more; if your girlfriend is sure about what she said ;tell her to hit a horse of her and see :if the blood comes out strongly ;then you will be sure that horses have hearts...if not (vice versa);so horse doesn't have heart (because the heart is the part of body which push blood to be distributed in all over the body)...

    just be logical...ok?,thank you...

    despite your friend has  horse for a long time doesn't means that she will be aware of everything about them even what is inside their bodies ok?

    good luck

    and sorry for my bad english

    thank you

  7. Of course they have a heart, all mammals are biologically constructed with a heart organ to assist the flow of blood and the delivery of oxygen throughout the body.

  8. Yes, they have a heart, some are just bigger than others.

    I've seen horses mourn when another dies, celebrate in their own way after a cattle drive and they did a good job, and do something they are afraid to do just because I asked them to and they trust me because I've never betrayed my horses.

    I would rather have an honest horse with a good heart over a "perfect" horse with no sense.

  9. They obviously have hearts to pump their blood.

    I think they also have feelings but not as wide a range of emotions as humans.

  10. if your question is ....that is it OK to eat horses because they don't have a heart??? then i ask you this do sheep, cows ,turkeys,pigs and fish...etc?

    and if you are asking if they have hearts point...i ask you this do you ???


  11. They are mammals.  Mammals have a four chambered heart to circulate blood throughout their bodies.  

    Next time don't listen to idiots. You should have paid better attention in school.

  12. feelings -

    i think some breeds are more intelligent then others and they are 'pack' like animals - like elephants and dogs - so higher up the status, the more empathy they will have

  13. How would blood pump round their bodies if they did not have hearts????

    edit : I wish people would phrase their questions with more care - if you mean one thing then say in your question thats what you mean , don't leave it up to us "mind readers" to work out what you mean!

  14. Yeahh *

       dont worry hun,!

    they have feelings.. -- every living thing does


       they would have to have feelings for another horse if they want a foal... x

    think the obvious . *

  15. Yes...they do....and they also have the spirit of God in them......They have feelings ......they just like to show there mean streak ........Can't you tell when a horse whinnies....when someone comes around they like....or a horse will come running towards you when it sees you.......Or it tries to play with you.........Your friend is soooooo........ wrong !!

    I have had horses

  16. of corse horses have feelings. its just very hard to hurt them because horses are big strong animals.

    people (yuppies actully) say "ohh dont do that your hurting his feelings" when if you think what they do to each other... u no, how can we even begin to hurt them?

    they feel emotion, pain, love, friendship just like we do. horses have best friends dont they. horses hurt each other and they look moapy for days.

    of corse they have a heart.

  17. Your friend hasnt a clue. My dad use to tell me that most people working with race horses dont belong in the business. That they have no idea what the h**l they are doing. Your friend is one of those people my dad use to talk about.

    Horses are emotional creatures with feelings. They can feel pain, fear, excitement, joy, trust and love, etc. Each has their own different personality. They are highly intelligent and can learn and remember things well.

    Infact some horses are smarter then many humans. Like your friend for example. 40 years and hasnt learned a thing.

  18. Many people think horses do not have a heart and do not love humans, well I disagree. I have worked with many horses, and have had allot of connections with them, I could see it in there eye's that they loved me. This horse durango I worked with for a couple months always nickered to me when I passed by his pen. And I have had horses try to climb over the gait trying to get to me. Now if you tell me that that a horse doesn't have feeling for humans then your wrong. I have heard stories where a horse has saved someone, now I say that that horse has a d**n heart.

  19. Well in my opinion they do have hearts, I've been riding for 5 years and my mum used to own a horse and he definitely had a heart and was very kind natured, even though he was very cheeky, but they all have diffrent personalities.


  21. good lord, no horses mearly have a small elf that pumps blood.... (sarcasm...) OF COURSE THEY DO! tell your friend, having a stuffed animal horse on her bed does not mean being around them for 40 years.

  22. Every animal has feelings. You play with them, they feel loved and happy. You hurt them, they feel hated and sad.

  23. They absolutely do!  All animals have "feelings".  They bond with you and they can love you.    Horses have a lot of heart but some don't display it as others do.  Usually depends on their exeriences-just like people.  

    They each have their own personality and will react differently with different people etc.  

    Sounds like your friend needs a "tune-up" with her loving skills.  It is too bad that being around animals/horses THAT long and she can't see it.

    I've bonded very strongly to cats, horses, and even goats. :)  

    Horses are wonderful!   Some just need more love and patience than others.

  24. definatly - you just have to look them in the eye and you can see their intelligence and feelings. My last horse (he was rehomed cause I'm not experienced to cope with him) is an ex racer and before I rescued him he was very badly treated and terrified of people and sticks. I worked with him for 6 months and through that time I could see him coming out of his shell and he is now one of the most people orientated horses I have ever come across - he just adores being around people and can't get enough cuddles. He has a huge heart to be able to forget and forgive what was done to him by other people enough to be as trusting and loving as he is now!!!!!

    Just because someone has had horses for a long time doesn't mean they don't think of them as anything other than possisions and things to use - that doesn't mean that they treat them badly, they just don't see that side of the animal.

  25. Biologically it's obvious that they have a heart...  As far as feelings, yes of COURSE they have feelings !!!  Horses have an incredible deep sense of emotion.  They feel pain just like us, they can get depressed when ill just like us, they are affectionate and crave positive attention.  So yes, Absolutley they have a heart.  No offense but it sounds to me that, after 40 years of being around and having horses she hasnt noticed how emotionally inclined her horses are, perhaps she is the one without the heart.

  26. Yes all animals including horses have heart. I dont know who you friend is but if she doesn't see that a horse has heart i don't know what to think. Horses show tremendous heart all the time and i wouldn't dare think about living without them.

  27. I think they do.  I could write a book about the three I had and my last one in particular would surprise me and others who witnessed his behaviour with me and with other people.

    With me he was a joker - he could always get me laughing when I was depressed.  He would bounce around like a jack-in-a-box until I could not help but laugh at him.

    Disabled people rode him and he was responsive but very gentle.

    I had been away six months and went to catch him in a 10 acre field.  It was foggy and there were several other girls there to catch others.  I whistled and there was a screech and thundering of hooves and out of the  mist came my horse who slithered to a halt and buried himself in my jacket!  I could not help but cry.

  28. It must have a heart to live & die.

    Your horse's heart is a pump that supplies all his muscles and organs with oxygen and nutrients and carries away the waste products. It does this under all conditions: when he is galloping after hounds, or when he's asleep.

    To do this efficiently, the heart is divided into two sides: the left side takes oxygenated blood from the lungs and supplies muscles and vital organs, like the brain and kidney. The de-oxygenated blood then returns to the right heart to be pumped to the lungs, where it is replenished with oxygen. Each side has a muscular pumping chamber, the ventricle, and a collecting chamber, the atrium. With each beat, a typical adult horse pumps approximately one litre of blood out of each side of his heart, this is the stroke volume. With a resting heart rate of 30 - 40 beats per minute, this means the total blood pumped in one minute, the horse's cardiac output, is 30 - 40 litres per minute. Contrast this to man with an average output of 5 litres per minute and we can begin to see why the horse is a much better athlete.

  29. Sure they pumps the blood through their veins.

    As for you giving your horse human emotions that's just you and your friend is correct. She sounds like she has more experience with training animals. You will be a better trainer when you stop looking at them like humans and learn to communicate like a horse. Or a pack leader for dogs.

    This is a common thing with dogs and people. Dogs are pack animals and base decisions on instinct. They like attention and having a pack leader but that is not the same a human emotion.

  30. Of course they do.

    If they didn't have a heart (feelings) they wouldn't be scared or happy.

    If you are a true horse lover and the horse loves you of course it would be upset if you left it.

    Trust me

    I'm an expert!!!!


    good luck

  31. of course they have hearts! I can't believe your friend said this.

    Please go onto and just watch his programmes on Horse and Country tv.

    Look at abused horses, look into their eyes. They look scared, hurt, lonely.

    Then look at a happy horse. They look happy. You can tell horse's emotions.

    You just have to listen to them.

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