
Do you think that if Graffiti was legal, people would still do it?

by  |  earlier

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I've been thinking about it for a while, and part of the reason people do it is because of the thrill of not (or possibly) getting caught. Letting the world know that they've been here, that they have a message to share, or want to stake claim to territory... these are all part of it, too...

If you were a writer, and there was a place to legally do it, you you go there?




  1. im a writer and i do it for the thrill but i would definitely do it on a legal wall or if it was legal.  the thing is there is no way that it will ever become legal since that would basically give people permission to mess up other peoples property.  legal walls are good and graffiti writers go to them, but thats not all.

  2. I think some people would quit, but other's who are doing it for a cause or reason like peace would continue.

    That's a good question, though.


  3. I understand your point, it's very similar to what i thought would happen if marijuana was legalized. However, i do feel that "gangs", and people with criminal intent, would not do it as much, but more people would. I for one would start to do it if it was legalized for the artistic purpose.

    Others would also like to express themselves, but won't in fear of the law...

    So it's an iffy result.

  4. it's true that a big part of it is the rush; however i feel grafiti is an art. i enjoy sharing my work with people.

    there are actual competitions, as well, that many take part in.

    so, yea, i believe there would be a decrease, for some do it to have the reputation of "hoodlems" but there would still be artist eager to spread their message.

  5. If it were legal, then it would be a mural.

    And yes, murals have been around for thousands of years.

  6. off course! graffitt is like an art

    even though sometimes the words are offensive and are like all gangish

    its so pretty!


  7. well i notice there's those "hoodlums" who scribble their dumb crew name on walls. but there's ppl who actually have the talent of "graffiti" i know this guys who has that talent & has been hired by archetect companies to make a design for them... this is his myspace if u are logged on u can view this link

    but to answer ur question, yes they would still do it. ppl like this look for a blank wall.

  8. I'm sure they would because a lot of people just do it because they like to paint. And of course there's the I'm a rebel vandalizing freeway walls thing. I'm sure people would still do it. If pot we legal people would buy it and smoke it like they normally would, except without the fear of getting in trouble u know.

  9. Some people would do it so their art can get noticed but most people wouldn't put that stuff anywhere to be seen b/c its legal.

    Since its illegal now they just like the thrill but if it was legal you wouldn't see hardly any of it.

  10. yea,they would.

  11. i think people would continue to do it no matter what, they would just be more sneakier about it

  12. They'd still do it. Idiots have a perverse pleasure of seeing their "marks" out in public. Makes them feel big and proud. Bunch of idiots s******g up the city if you ask me.....trying to find "daddy's love".

  13. I think it would still occur. Most graffiti is created by adolescence trying act out, but artists of different talents sometimes use graffiti as a means of expressing themselves. I've had friends who would do it to express their talents and they don't do it for the thrill.

    Also the high school I went to had a barn that was graffiti ed to express school spirit.  

  14. so this is a "how far would one go" kind of question...

    honestly i love seeing graffiti..i think it's a respectable kind of art work, even though it often represents gangs, etc.

    but i think if it was legal it would be in more unacceptable places instead of just trains and alleys, empty walls, etc...

  15. wow i never thought of it like that. i think if it was legal some of them would stop. but either way for some people its an art. i guess their just a different kind of artist.

  16. i think people would do it more, and for much better reasons. it would be mostly for art and not just the thrill of breaking the law.  some masterpieces things could probably be created when people have free reign over the art of the streets.

  17. I guess it would reduce it, but the reason i get up is because i have a message to get across and it is a medium that people pay attention too.

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