
Do you think that if N.A.S.A. discovered life on another planet, groups like Scientologists and Raelians....?

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Would use this info to increase there recruitment drive and become complete zelots perhaps even forming a terrorist group bent on destroying there critics?

How do you think a revelation like this would affect other alien worshipping cults?




  1. I'm with Bodie.  The bible warns of a coming deception so great that it would fool even believers into non-belief if it were possible.  This theme is already pretty prevalent in the Scifi world.  People are already desensitized to it.

  2. i think the person who asked this question could be a goon of some kind. the company needs to get a new hobby. ---

    life elsewhere in the cosmos is really not that big a deal, frankly. it is just made to be a big deal, or at least bigger than it needs to be by the media and the lacking of the world. namely organizations like the company and the clergy, sad. to a biologist and to any scientist it is of enormous interest to find another song in the music of life elsewhere in the cosmos. however, it is not the biggest of unanswered questions. how atoms got there information is infinitely larger than finding life somewhere else in the cosmos. patterns of matter we call "alive" are as common in the cosmos as hydrogen and helium. big beasts and vegetables though may be somewhat rare. but life else-where as an end all topic or some holy grail question, honestly, it really is not. why it has been made out to be that way is in large part due to earth based human religion, and pious fraud. spat out like it has been for hundreds of centuries by fruitless demagogues who in some uncertain way attempt to persuade you to follow the prevailing prejudices of the day. the information  which the constituents of matter hold and where and when it became is far more large a question than life elsewhere - as all life and all matter is comprised of such constituent parts. cracks and weirdos and things  like scientology and the rail-you in the azz-ee-ans -- are not even worth a trillionth of a mote, on a mote.

    proving that there is life elsewhere in the cosmos is as easy as looking at yourself in the mirror, or looking outside. humans are the proof. the life of earth is the proof. the hunt continues for exo-earth life...but move on please to larger questions of cosmological proportion.

  3. I agree with much of what ai said. I don't think it's relevant, either. I, personally, don't believe there is other life out there. I'm well aware that NASA will most probably tell us that the conditions on Mars were at least at one time conducive to support life. They're going to tell us whatever supports their sacred religion, Evolution.

    I am not an adherent of the religion of Evolution, so I will let others carry on that debate. As to how I think the "discovery" of extraterrestrial life would affect these cults, I think it would only add to the mass confusion that has engulfed the planet. They would all claim vindication but in reality it would, IMHO, be more deception.

    I believe that at some point in the near future we will see "proof" of alien intelligence. I'm confident that 99.9% of the world will accept this "proof" and whatever message it has for the masses. Count me as the .1% that will be skeptical.

    The "aliens' message" will be something along these lines: "We put you here millions of years ago. There is no god. You evolved from the seed of life we planted here. Obey us." But, that is pure speculation that can be hashed out at another time. Have a great day!

  4. I don't think that groups that are marginal or somewhat extremist need much incentive - religious fervor is self-sustaining.

    And who knows - maybe the alien-worshiping cults have been right all along...

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