
Do you think that if White South Africans had murdered over 3000 Black South Africans, it would be on the news

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  1. 3000 as in 9/11 yes. A quarter of a million fled their homes due to fighting on The Ivory Coast  in 1994 or 1995 according to news articles.

  2. YEAH right you think any body gives a dam about those people,there not going to do  a dam thing about it either.

  3. The treatment of black South Africans was horrifying to say the least.

    Unfortunately, the "reparations" have been far worse as gangs of black criminals are put in power and they destroy the country's food supply with their looting and incompetence.

    Justice for South Africa is still far away.

  4. When whites ruled South Africa, and murdered many thousands of Black Africans, it was on the news constantly.  This is part of the reason they no longer rule.

  5. You kidding me here, there is no doubt about it that there is backlash and harassment of white's is not uncommon. However you demean all the past history and atrocities by rounding up the figure to 600 blacks.

    I guess you're not so keen on history are you, the humiliation, resentment, segregation, degradation . . . they suffered for centuries. They should shut up and forget about it?

    What about bantustans , I mean that was utopia so why the h**l are blacks complaining about? What was so wrong about apartheid, after all all they did was degrade them lower than animals, in their own country and land, while they were the majority. Nothing wrong with that!

    Of course colonies were common, so what hundred/thousands were killed, so what raped your resources while you die in poverty. So what raped your women, tortured your people, So what if being white and hence superior you could beat the c**p or simply kill,

    and of course no one must dare raise a finger. It was common didn't just happen in SA, so what's the big deal??

    So WHAT - if under apartheid they had to carry passports dictating what they could or couldn't do, face segregation so what if you the blacks had to live in dumps while we the white live a luxurious life, so what you weren't given the basic necessities or universal rights, so what if you blacks faced long ques while separate services for whites . . . . . etc - So what? So what's the big deal!

    You are quick to point out discrimination against white SA but ignore the underlying cause. They have not forgotten their humiliating past, and racism is common against white, asians and all the non-blacks. No doubt about it is appalling, racism MUST not be tolerated, and no doubt it does offend me. However you are portraying the white's as the victim while sidelining the underlying reasons.

    You forgotten the recent xenophobic attacks in SA, SA is rampant with racism. No doubt. You've also forgotten the other cause, blatant corruption, poverty and continued deterioration in their standard of life. Which combined with past resentment is focused on Non-Blacks. Countless families have been harassed, not just white, their lands confiscated by thugs. No doubt but suddenly you turn that into victim.

    Maybe you should go see how they are living and what they endured for centuries, before you suddenly play the victim game. You can not fight blatant racism or prejudice without dealing with the underlying causes. Which white's in SA still aren't inclined to acknowledge, it's not like they did anything wrong? They were superior so blacks should just STFU and move on!

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