
Do you think that if all the psychics worked in unity more people could be helped?

by Guest65645  |  earlier

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Does it seem like if lots of psychics got together maybe missing people could really be found? They could each write down what they're "getting" and then compare notes. Maybe each one would get a clue and they could put all the clues together and come up with something to help.Have you ever heard of this being done?




  1. Well, Deenie I was thinking something the other day like that about telekinesis. If you had a big football match and there were 20,000 fans watching the game and a player kicked the ball towards the goals but it was going to fall just a little bit short....

    You'd think all the people willing the ball to go just a little bit further would have some sort of effect.....  but, alas all those hopeful fans are no help at all.

  2. It's strange that someone just wrote about 9/11.  A few months before it happened I had a dream about it.  The only problem was that I could not recognise the location as I don't live in the States and when I saw two balls of fire go through buildings, I was certain they were not meteors, but still didnt know what they were or where. Besides, I wasn't even sure it was something that would happen.

    The morning it was broadcast here in Australia, the friend I told the dream to rang me and told me my dream had come true.  Do you know how sick that made me feel?

    I have been contacted by various authorities over time for various 'cases' but they usually contact so-called psychics one at a time as they do not want to have psychics working together and then adapting or changing what they see (in their alternate fields of vision)... then the authorities collate the material and make their own conclusions.  Sometimes it helps and at other times it leads nowhere.  I have guided people to where they could find a missing relative or friend... one particular one was not good news and I think a lot of psychics don't want to be confronted with what could be unpleasant news they may have to relay to someone who asks.  By the same token, how can a psychic who sees something unpleasant, be absolutely sure that that is what has happened for real.  There are ethical and moral dilemmas that have to be addressed before this sort of news is passed on and I think people need to know that there are psychics out there who care about people.

    Just for your information too, psychics pick up energies and these can be distorted.  Some pick up better than others and some interpret better than others, but I have never met a single one who sees as clearly or definitively like psychics are portrayed in movies (and I have met and worked with hundreds of them over the past 30 years).

    The only thing I can say is ... LIVE NOW!  Accept life and give it the meaning that you want.  Nothing else.

  3. Well Dennie you have hit the jackpot.I use to be part of a group of psychics and they were very powerful as a group.I left because they we going into channeling and i did not want to get involved in channeling.During my years with the group i had a wonderful time.That's where i met my spirit guide Jennifer.I met a another group of telepaths.They were in different countries like UK,Canada France,India and Germany,but as telepaths they were as a group.They wanted me to join there group but i had some bad feelings about that group.I know the us government runs psychic groups like this and that could have been one.

  4. Denie, unfortunately no psychic has really demonstrated an ability to provide police with any actionable evidence.  If you watch the claims closely you'll notice they say things like, "I see trees and water" and afterward claim it as a hit because the body (not the live person, but the dead body) was indeed found in an area with trees and water nearby.

    Well, it doesn't take much thought to make you realize that a.) very few places aren't in the vicinity of some trees or some water, and b.) most dead bodies are found in such areas.  And imagine you are on the search team.  If someone says, "I see trees and water.  And there's metal and some cement or a road" how does that help?  What direction does that point you in?

    And what if you have 5 psychics who can't agree?  What does that tell you?

    The fact of the matter is police don't use psychics because psychics don't work.  They divert valuable search resources chasing down red herrings.  The only time psychics come on board is as a last resort effort when a desperate family is willing to try anything they think has even the slightest chance of helping, much like the people who come to this board looking for their grandmother's lost wedding ring.

    EDIT: Group thought was used in an attempt to lift the Pentagon off the ground, as a protest of the Vietnam War.  Group prayer was shown to not have a positive effect in one particular study.  So I think that although it may be possible, I wouldn't count on it.

  5. No.  People aren't really psychic.

    How many zeros would you have to add together to get 1?

  6. As someone actually interested in science and not just the expression of my own personal world views I would have to say that I don't know if this would be possible or not.

    I do think it would be worth trying.

    Also, there is evidence from prayer studies that people praying as a group have a positive effect on rates of healing (link below).  Thus, at least some research suggest that group activity in unity is more powerful than a single individual (this is even true of sports team that play well together instead of in competition among themselves as much as the opposing team).


  7. I think so!

  8. No, this is illusion.

    There will be surely some tyranic ambitious mind that will try to get all their charma.

    And this is may be will against the divine plan for diversity , so why so many deities in ancient religions and each of them protecting different supernatural?

  9. If Unity is another country, then yes. put them there by all means

    I doubt that they do much more than make a living out of peddling snake oil and dreams

    isnt it amazing that one skeptic can out psychic a true psychic, like me outdriving Hamilton

  10. All the "psychics" in the world could get together and they couldn't predict squat. If psychics are so accurate, then why wasn't 9/11 foreseen? Or the tsunami, or, more recently, the Burmese cyclone and Chinese earthquake? One answer:- they are ALL charlatans, making money from fools.

  11. We work together all the time. Look up Reiki Share. You might have a room full of people healing one person. If you took the time to do "Remote Viewing" research like I suggested you would have found people working in tandem to remote view objects and sites as well  as lost and missing persons.

    The moderators keep truncating and deleting my answers Deenie, so they can call them non-answers. I have no idea if you are getting them.

  12. Deenie, I do no think it works that way.  

    The knowledge that people  sometimes gain through nontraditional ways does not usually come on demand.   Just like an  answerer above me talked about a dream that did not make sense until 9/11 happened,  sometimes it is not even clear what it is really about.

    I, too, had a very disturbing dream a few years before 9/11, and it left me shaking.  I did not know what it may mean and I did not even know with whom to discuss it..  I'm still not sure it was about that, but in the context of what happened on 9/11 the events seen in the dream would make sense.  

    I was not even sure then if what I was dreaming had already happened, so even if it was about 9/11, I could not have provided useful predictive information.

    And I don't consider myself a "psychic," but just a person who has had experiences similar to what many more other people have had.

  13. Uhm...yeah it's quite something if all psychics are joined together like a single computer or like the Turing Machine which can compute and yield a workable output. Yeah it's quite something aye.

  14. sounds like a good idea but people want to be paid for their work and the government or agencies dont want to pay.

  15. I think that it would be very helpful. Unfortunately, not enough people are willing to think outside of the box and take a group of psychics seriously. There are a lot of different ways to maintain your own energy and block out others thoughts when recieving your information while in a group.

    However, sometimes things aren't solved not because there aren't enough psychics working on it, it is because there are rules in the spiritual realm as to how much info can be given. A murdered person rarely is able to communicate to a psychic and tell them exactly where they were buried at. They give clues. Just like even if a spirit knew the winning lottery numbers, no matter how bad they wanted to, they couldn't pass it on to a living family member. It keeps Universal Order that way. ;)

    BTW, some things are just meant to happen, even bad things.

  16. i think so. so atleast there could be an action done before its too late...

  17. i think that most psychics are fakes...or they use their skills to get money from innocent people.

  18. Unfortunately, no, because all it takes is the negative energies of one nearby skeptic to totally destroy the coherent geometric energy structure formed by the psychics. If we just got rid of all the skeptics among us, psychics would be far more powerful than they currently are.

  19. A million times zero is still zero, so I'm going to say no.

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