
Do you think that if i got a medium hamster it would be better than a dwarf or a large hamster?

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i want to buy a hamster and want a nice one that wont bite me for no reason so which one is nicest large medium or dwarf




  1. There is no such thing as a large or medium hamster but there is a such thing as a syrian (teddy bear) hamster and they are a pretty good size and do not bite

  2. If you are afraid of being bitten, you may want to look at chinese dwarf hamsters. They stay small, are cute, and very sweet.

    Check them out-

  3. Adopt a teddy bear hamster. I have one and she is a sweetie. They only time they will bite you is if you wake them up with your hand because you give them a fright. She stand on her feet and swirls around her exercise wheel with her hands, its hilarious. I ever potty trained mine be live it or not! And they are just $10. Make sure not to get two though, they will bite each others heads off once they hit puberty!  Good luck!

  4. We have had three hamsters - a Syrian (which is larger by hamster standards), a Robo - which was very little and our current hamster is a Dalmation Hamster and is somewhere in between.

    We found the Syrian (Teddy Bear) was extremely sweet and even tempered. Our Speedy loved everyone he met and was very sociable and never bit anyone. He was very easy to train (my daughter would sit with him in an empty bathtub) and he just crawled all over her. He loved to play games and being around my daughter's friends and lived a good life for a hamster, he lived about 3 years!

    Our Robo - Buddy was very sweet but really liked independent time. He would enjoy time in his exercise ball, but really liked independent play the most. We still handled him daily and he didn't bite - but we respected his boundaries. He lived for 2 1/2 years.

    Our current hamster Poppy - A Dalmation is VERY sweet and social. Though not as social as Speedy. She has specific people she's bonded with (mainly my son and I), but she does like to spend time with my daughter. She loves playtime and ANY attention she can get. She will come to the edge of her cage when she hears our voices (during the day or evening).

    I think the important thing with ANY hamster is spending time with them. If you play with your hamster daily and build trust, you will have a hamster that loves you and doesn't bite you.

    Good luck with the decision you make! =)

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