
Do you think that if parents never or rarely hugged or kissed their kids or teenagers it would affect?

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Their relationship when the kids become adults? even if the parents really loved their children, just didn't show affection or said I love you.




  1. Of course it would. What's the use in loving someone if you don't express it?  

  2. Most defiantly, Every living thing be it human or animal has to shown love and affection.

  3. Well, since I'm 13, you've got a pretty viable source.

    Most teens,kids, and toddlers usually want to "make sure" you love them if you say it or show it.  Just like training a dog, it knows it's done the trick right only once he gets the treat.  Kids want to know you love them, but rebellious teens are the teens who end up as adults as teens who rarely understand the true meaning of parenthood.  And, how can you show you love the child without showing it?

  4. Only if you don't break the cycle and changes things, then it will.

    I grew up in a family with very little emotion, but when I got older I looked back on all things I didn't like and that was just one of them.

    I made a promise to myself that if/when I had kids I would change that and I am happy to say I have.

    I have broken that cycle, not saying it was easy, but my daughter knows more love and emotion that I ever did.

  5. of course growing up my dad was always there but he wasn't affectionate and now we're really distant, he wants to be close to me now but it's just weird and i'm not used to it and to be very honest it kind of annoys me because he didn't want to be that way until now. I think it's very important to always be affectionate and tell your kids you love them as much as possible. If you don't have a close bond with them when they're children you won't have one when they're older.

    It will definantly affect a big part of their lives

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