
Do you think that if we had neither Past and Future we would be happier ?

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Please let me know what you think .




  1. Not much to look forward to ... and no way to relate it to experiences. Nothing to plan for...nothing to remember. How present is the presence of this present if two seconds ago and two seconds from now don't exist.?

  2. No. Of course "now" is the best time to live in because we shouldn't dwell in the past or be stuck in the future. But the past contains experience, memories, and lessons that we can learn from. It shaped who we are today. The future gives us something to look forward to - it's where our goals and dreams lie. The future gives us a chance to fix those mistakes that we've made in the past and be a better person.

    It allows us to improve.

  3. i think if we realize that that which is  of the past cannot be altered and no one knows what the future  holds a person will be happy.

    that is called living in the present.

    yesterday took care of itself...

    today is taking care of itself...

    and tomorrow will take care of itself...

    separation of oneself with the things of the world.

  4. I know, it's one of those tricky questions. well, there is no past or future. There is only NOW. Everything happens in the now moment. Even when you think about the "past", you do so now. And a thought about the "future" happens now, also. Essentially, what we call time is the succession of one NOW for another NOW..and so life goes one. So, be happy NOW and you won't have to worry about the past or the future!

  5. I do know from your previous posts that you are intelligent in the sense you know this is not possible, but understand your thought process in pondering this question.

    I think if I had no past or future life would be excruciating. My past is the accumulation of who I am today. Every tear, heartache, smile, laugh, physical pain, hard lesson learned, and ecstasy of love--- basically enlightenment through every second of my past is the accumulation of who I am today. Looking back I do know now why I had to cry some tears and experienced the beauty in some of my laughs-- while it was happening I may not have been capable to look through that veil and realize it, but as I have matured I realize it now. Above all else, good or bad, I am "thankful" for my past.

    My future is my hope; it is my dream, my ambition, my goal. Do not take this as my present does not include all of those, nor it is as important, but in the present I seek to develop who I will be in the future. I am living each day to the fullest, so I know my future will be as treasured as my past.

    Without going through the past of hard lessons and having the hope and ambitions of my future, life would be excruciating to me. Nothing but a void in space where "depth" does not hold a meaning.

  6. Oh no!

    My past is what makes me who I am today.  All of the bad times makes me appreciate all of the good times. The highest highs and the lowest lows and all of the hard work in the middle - I can look at it today and see it for what it all was -learning experiences, shaping me into my present self.

    As for my future, being able to look forward to better days when you are down or when you are pushing through on a deadline and knowing that it will be over soon and a drink awaits... I love knowing that good things await in my future.  Knowing that sadness awaits there too, the death of my parents someday, potential financial difficulties, whatever may be around the corner, that's all a part of life.  Again, it's yin and yang... I accept that life is a balancing act...

    If I accept my past, I must accept my future.  If you can be accepting of past, present and future, you WILL be happy!

  7. ...YES...

    ...the perpetual live in the moment syndrome...

  8. I think if we didn't have past we might be happier, becuase we couldn't dwell on past failures or mistakes.  But if we didn't have future, we'd never have anything to work towards and look forward to.  Same thing with past.  If we couldn't remember our past, then we'd have no happy memories, and how would you get through tough times without those?  I think we're best how we are now, remembering our pasts and working towards our futures.

  9. In some sense if we forget about the past & present we would be living for the here, today, and now.  We would seize the day, and act as if tomorrow was never going to come.  Not a bad way to live.  Here is what I know....

    Yesterday is HISTORY, Tomorrow is a MYSTERY, and Today is a GIFT!  

    Thanks for reading!

  10. No, because that would only leave us with the present, which we all know can not exist because it's gone as soon as it arrives.

  11. Live In The Now like The Wolf Riders in The Elf Quest Books.


  12. We would if we were less focused on them. Most people, inclduing myself, spend a lot of their mental energy worrying about the  past or future things.

  13. Great Question.

    Well.. since all things are relative- if we didn't have a past we wouldn't know what to base or weigh against our current state of being.  In other words, if you were happy or sad- you wouldn't know it!  Because what would you have to relate it to?  And without a future, again relativity would be lost.  Everything would be a meaningless vaccuum.

  14. it is possible to experience, why ask?You may know it at first place...Those who experienced it keep silent..and you may learn, then, why....

  15. This is a very interesting point,, sometimes the past can be painful so yes without it there it could be easier and sometimes the future may look bleak, so likewise, best live just for today. However, on a critical note, some of our memories of the past are magical and heartwarming and without them to look back on, we could be emotionless. As well as the fact that if we have no future to aim for, who do we live for? who do we work and strive for? The only good thing about not knowing about any future is being able to enjoy the present to its fullest, and therefore making us appreciate the present more and feel happier about "now"...

  16. You'd be dead without a future. I guess we would be happy. But there is no birth so you wouldn't have the ability to be happy.

    No, we wouldn't be happy. The present lasts for a second and then disappears. You'd just be sitting there not doing anything.

    I think life would be better without the pressure of the future and the mistakes of the past. God my mistakes are big. But still we need both. It's a yes and no question.

  17. Please to reach out and touch your past, to hold it other than in some hazy, and probably inaccurrate from within a distorted mental image.

    Please to reach out and hold your future or to accurrately and in detail identify the same.

    One only lives within the present moment and , by doing so or being in the present moment, one is more likely to end his or her suffering and to be happier.

    Be well.

  18. In fact...I'd be rather lost. No past? How is that possible? That means I'd forget every second that has past, every mistake I've made, and every single ounce of joy I've ever felt. And no future? That means I'd never wonder, never hope, never dream of accomplishing anything. Living in the moment is a beautiful thing, but past and future are necessary to have a happy life. Even if you're in a prison cell going to the electric chair, you can look back on your past and recall that time you baked cookies with your mom or something. Memories hold happiness, as do hopes. I think we are much happier if we have those.

  19. Hmmm, tricky. I don't think so. If we didn't have a Past or Future it would mean one of two things. 1. We can't remember our past, and will never know our future or 2. We're stuck in time, in one moment, forever.

    If we couldn't remember our past, then we'd miss out on too many memories, both good and bad. If we didn't have a past, we wouldn't develop, we wouldn't learn, we wouldn't grow.

    If we didn't have a future, we'd have nothing to look forward to, and nothing to be scared of. We'd never know what's there.

    That's how I think of it. If we didn't have a past or future, we probably would not be happy, or too happy. I don't think we'd care about our actions. I think we'd be naive, so not necessarily happy, just unknowing.

  20. On the one hand, it could be claimed that we could not be happy because we would have no reason for existance. We would have no knowledge as knowledge must come from the past (we do not know something UNTIL we know it-- which sounds obvious, but think about it). We would also have no plans, no directions. What gives our life meaning to keep existing is what we have invested in the future.

    On a superficial level, a person might go to work (now) because they are saving up for money to go on a holiday (later). Going on the holiday is not an act they can accomplish now-- rather, they are future-oriented. On a more meaningful level, a person might think about their actions (now) to become a "better" person (by their judgement-- later). The concept is the same.

    On the other hand, no past or future might imply an existance very different to our own that we would find incredibly difficult to imagine. Most conceptions of an afterlife (especially Judeo-Christian) involve "another life" in which time and space do not exist. This afterlife is considered to be absolutely good (heaven) or absolutely bad (h**l). So in that case, we might be "happier", but on the other hand, would "happiness" as we know it exist in that case, independent of time?

  21. If we didn't have a past, we'd have no personality. If we didn't have a future, we'd have no hope.

  22. We would then lose the ability to ponder our own existence. Existentialism is the core of what makes us human, without it we are as all lesser species.

  23. Three things in life you can't avoid.

    1. Birth

    2. Taxes


  24. In truth their is no past, present, or future. tomorrow will always become today, the today you see now will be yesterday and was tomorrow.

    "I went to sleep yesterday looking for tomorrow and found only today once more."

  25. if you don't lose ourselves

    if we hold on to our dreams

    if we we are able to save our future

    if we appreciate our past

    we will be happier.



  26. No. How could we learn anything without a past to refer to? How could we find our way without a future to look toward? Having neither would be like experiencing a blackout.

    The past and the future do not exist anywhere but within our own minds. The past has been rearranged and obliterated by change. The future has not yet come to be.

  27. yes that is absolutely the case.

    life would be much simpler.

    Schopenhauer mentions that we constantly repent for the past and hope for some future happiness, yet never really live in the present. Instead, we view the present as "something to be put up with" on the way to a better future.

    And we spend our entire lives in this way, "always becoming, and never being."

    The insidious faculty of reflection leaves us overburdened with past regrets. The same applies to the future: we are always anticipating future happiness, yet are always speculating on future pain. This is why we think about death even in adolescence.

    Puppies, for example, have no thought other than the delight that is mother's milk. They are free from death, and thus, the worry thereof, until they incur it. Children, on the other hand, may contemplate questions of heaven, h**l, and death from early age; and therefore, be laden with the burden of anxiety and fear for the rest of their life.

    Life passes us by and we never really know where time is going, simply because we never account for the present.

    As Schopenhauer states, we live in an ever-fleeting present moment--an infinitesimal passing moment that, in sequence, is all we ever had.

  28. Yes, absolutely!  People get so caught up regretting the pass and worrying about the future that they don't enjoy the present.

    Once we learn the power of "now" we will be much happier.

    Great question!



  29. Do you mean that if we could forget completely our past and can't think of our future?

    I think we would stagnate;  caught in the limbo!  Stagnating waters gather moss,  get polluted and ultimately stink.  Such would be our state too!  So let us just flow like a river...on the way to meet the ocean...gathering scum.  discarding some...but never stopping...enriching lives of those who come to us.

  30. You don't have them anyway, because all that exist is what is now. What you mean is if you could stop your thoughts of the past and thoughts that are imagining the future would you be happier. Of course happiness hinges on your ability to forget. To do that, you need to meditate to stop your thoughts.

  31. no

    human nature would start the same cycle over again

    if we hav a past we can look back and say how evil we wer and how we can change

    but without it, we will continue to kill each other, animals, and destroy our only planet because past would not be there to help contrast on the present, and the future wuldnt even exsist, thus prohibting human sustainable development

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