
Do you think that if you have 5 of your firends go with you to disneyland , would that be alot of people?

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Do you think that if you have 5 of your firends go with you to disneyland , would that be alot of people?




  1. five including you? if it is .. try to get one more person to go so everyone has someone to ride with :)

    and i think that's a good amnt of people! have fun

  2. That sounds like a good amount of people to go. It just might get frustrating if everyone wants to go on different rides... Last time I went to Disneyland, we had 10 in our party. There was a lot of waiting up for people and separating since people wanted to do different things. I think we got to do and see more in smaller groups like 2-4. I really liked getting to see everyone, but I think that we had more fun in the smaller groups and then just met up for meals or parades.

    Whatever you decide, have a wonderful time!

  3. You and 5 friends (total of 6 in your group), is a great number!!!  You won't ever have to worry about someone being left out having to ride something alone because everyone can be paired up with someone else.  It's a great number, not too large of a group, but not too small either!  Have fun!!!

  4. Nope, it would be totally fun! Have an awesome time!!!

  5. No as long as you guys don't do nothing bad and have fun, everything will be fine.  Hope you have fun!

  6. no i had somthing simmarlar but i had my family and my two cousions with me 7 didn't feel like alot at all it was pretty fun

  7. Nope! That would be so much fun! Since there will be 6 of you plus you that would be fun and it would be even so you guys can go in groups of 3 people or 2 people when you guys go on the rides. But I would tell your friends for each of them to bring money so they can buy food, and other stuff. Well I hope that you guys have fun at Disneyland if you guys go!

  8. some body to share expense with its good.

  9. Well. I would think it would be fun.

    If you plan on staying as one group, then if you plan on going on most of the rides, everyone should have the same interest so 1 person doesn' have to wait for everyone else.

    I suggest that if not everyone is a big fan of the thrill rides, try splitting up the group and then just meet up on rides that everyone likes. ^_^

  10. no it would be fun

  11. No. 5 people is not a lot of people.  More people would make it fun!


  13. the more people you have the more fun you will have.  I went to cedar point with 10 people before and it was way better than just takeing 2 or 3 people.  The only thing that I don't like about taking a lot of people is that you might not all be able to go in the same car on the same ride, but since you only have 5 you should be ok.

  14. it would be fun if all of your friends like the same rides, or you will have to split up...

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