
Do you think that if you refuse to ever take revenge this makes you weak or strong and why?

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Do you think that if you refuse to ever take revenge this makes you weak or strong and why?




  1. I'd say that if you refuse to take revenge, you must be a very strong willed person with logic.

    Revenge is a low way to confront a situation. It's very underhanded and sometimes shameful. Your refusal to do such proves you are a very strong person in heart and you know what's wrong from what's right.

  2. revenge could be many times a releasing experience if it doesn't carry on to hurt someone, about weakness or strength, well... That depends how much u care about what people say, i think that sometimes could be deserve it and other ones it doesn't worth it, so why bother...

    Anyway, the fact is, u should consider the consequences of ur actions xP

    And the benefits u'll get from this


  3. Absolutely not. In fact, by not taking revenge, you are the bigger and better person for not sinking to the other person's level. Also, when you are constantly thinking vengeful thoughts, you are harming yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Why put yourself through this pain?  It's not worth it.

  4. revenge is such a strong word. If there is a real serious situation, then take legal action, or find a way to get even without the other person knowing, but suspecting you did it.That is always fun.You are not weak if you refuse to play the game, only wiser.

  5. it depends on the situation. if you get slap on the face

    if you dont take revenge on that, thas very bad in your part. and also if you don't take revenge on anything people will think that they can get over you.

  6. STRONG  

    Taking revenge is the easy way out to dealing with something hurtful.

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