
Do you think that im a s**t???

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people have been calling me a s**t latey!

it just recently got out that i lost my virginity on my 13th birthday and that since then i've slept with over 15 men.

i know that usually people wait until they're older but its my choice, right??

i've gone to 3rd base with most of the boys at my school, and i've posted posted pics of me in my underwear on my myspace, but all of this happened while i was single!!

does this make me a s**t??




  1. uhhh. yeah your a ****!!!!!!!

    why would you post pictures of yourself on the internet with your underwear...

    i mean that like screams "come and have s*x with me "

    but i mean if thats how you wnat your friends and guys to look at you that way.. boys are never going to want you.. there just gonna want you cuz your easy.. there not gonna wnat you to be your girlfriend... just a f***.. so im just saying that you should stop now before you become the **** of the school.... cause its so hard to get rid of that reputation... :]

  2. Regardless if you are single or in a relationship people will always feel it's their right to judge you. Your sexaulity and what you do with it is your business. In chrisitan views and yes you are a s**t, and I'm sure you are aware of the double-standard between men and are pimps for having multiple partners...women are s***s. It is your choice, but slow down......STd's.....pregnancy.....and you could risk getting raped if guys assume your easy and think it's their turn, but you may not want to. Myspace.....not a good have internet predators, is your page private, but even still people have the option of saving your defualt pictures and everytime you change they continue to visit your page and save your pictures, after awhile they will have a collection of you which could land on websites. Colleges look at those things, they only want the best representation. I'm not saying you should be concerned with rep, but don't be careless with it either. Good Luck, Girlie!

  3. lol even if you were a guy i would still say that all sounds pretty S****y. stop acting like you need a man's attention so much; and raise your don't have to blow every guy in your class. LOL

  4. Ok, im going to be completely honest with you

    yes it does

    but it does not make you a bad person, just try 2 stop this behavior, and guys will actually want you as a serious girlfriend.

  5. That is sluttish behavior. It does not matter if you are single or in a relationship. Acting sluttish proves your a s**t. NOT trying to sound mean. Just stating the facts here. you can easily just change things around. I know you can never get the best reputation back. But, you can change how people see you NOW. Being called a s**t isn't fun stuff! Just be careful with all those pictures u put on Myspace. AND really be careful with all those guys your sleeping with. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS protect yourself. No matter what they try to tell you. :)

  6. Technically, it does.

    I'm just like you. I've even did worse ( I'm dating 3 different guys at the same time). You shouldn't feel like a s**t because you even said it yourself, it's your choice.

    But you should know that people are always going to judge you even if you weren't doing any of these things.

    The bottom line is that you do what you want to do, not what people tell you to do.

  7. yes it does. you put out to get people to like you, thats a s**t. why do u let people use you like that? you're pretty much a free prostitute.

  8. Well ...I don't want to be rude but you hit the jackpot by behaving like one...u r too young to be acting improperly.  A mature person acts and thinks like one...don't u know about young girls doing this and getting pregnant n  std's n different issues...your future is not looking to brite on less u change ur careful and be safe...what does your parents think? n what type of childhood did u have?

  9. 15 or 13. No matter the age sleeping with that many guys labels you as a s**t! Sorry, and you are just adding fuel to the fire by posted naughty pics of your self. If you want people to respect you and not call you a s**t , then you need to respect yourself. I pray you use protection every time you do things with guys. Remember it only takes one time to get an STD or to get pregnant. Think about that, if you get and STD or get pregnant then everyone will know you are a s**t.

  10. Jacky and Dana say:

    Umm... YEAH.  I'm sorry, but you're a s**t.

    You need to take these steps:

    1.  Get rid of all your pics on myspace, and only leave your favorites up that don't show anything they shouldn't.  (This means FULLY CLOTHED).

    2.  Stop having s*x.  Until you're 16.  You need a break.  

    3.  Don't kiss a guy for 5 months.

    And maybe you'll change and stop being called a s**t.  We're not trying to be mean, we're just being honest and telling you the truth.

    You're 13.  Don't rush your life away.


    J & D

    Good luck!  :]

  11. What does being single have to do with being a s**t?

    I know married s***s.

    You have slept with more than 15 guys in 2 years. That doesn't make you a s**t. It makes you stupid and more than likely, the recipient of an STD that makes you infertile.  

  12. Honestly, yes I do think you're a s**t. I mean of course it is your choice, but you have to stop putting yourself out there like that, especially at such a young age. You will never find a man who will respect you, and later in life, you will learn that that's really important. Stop giving head to people at school. That's definitelyy a bad rep... TRUST ME! Myspace is not a place for half nude pictures, because everyone sees it and criticizes you. Just stop.    

  13. Everyone's a s**t!!

    What people call "s**t" is a form of someones reality. Judging someone is what they deem that judgment. Saying your not a s**t can't be judged accurately, and neither can calling you one either.

  14. I think you already know the answer to that question.

    Get control of yourself and your life. You want to act and be treated like an adult correct? Well start acting like a responsible adult and control your animal urge. Sleeping with 50 guys won't make you love yourself more and won't make men appreciate you. You're better than that and you need to know it to be it. I hope you are using protection when you are sexually active with these boys. (get yourself to the free clinic and get on birth control and get tested!) Best wishes for a new and better start for yourself!  

  15. your an oober s**t that's disgusting, 13?!?!

    15 men?!? 3rd base?!?!

    underwear?!?! myspace?!?!    make?!?!?! lol jk

    but seriously you are sick and it doesn't matter if it's "your choice" that's bad. stop it right now, take off the pictures.

    and arggh. WTF your just. like -_- your dumb honestly

  16. What's the hurry to sleep with so many guys?  What are you trying to prove?  What are you trying to hide behind?  So long as you are responsible, and use condoms, you can sleep with whomever you want, but the fact that you come on this forum for opinions makes me believe you have another issue.

  17. yes, so what are you doing later?

  18. yes, that does define you as a s**t. And the act of posting promotes that definition. not only that but 15 people in two years!!! You really should slow down, and maybe even think about counciling.

    It may be your choice, but you have to look into why you are conducting that behavior. Yeah, it may feel good, and you may think your are gaining a guys attention. But, with what you stated. No guy will think of you as a long-term relationship type girl. I asked this and showed this to both my teen boys and girls in my class... They all agreed that you would not be dating material. You're just an object at this point. Although, the kids in my class are troubled youth, they do have good insight. They agree with us instructors, that you may have been either running from something in your personal life, or trying to find something that you are not going to find by having s*x.

  19. u shoulnt care what people think u should only care about how u feel and if u like to do it keep on doin it but think about when u get older and no one wants u cause everybodys had u and they dont want to take u around anyone just make sure u protect yourself with each one if u do now ask yourself do u feel like  s**t u may just need to deal with whatever you are going threw u should think more of yourself then to give up something no one can ever take from u its better than gold stop giving the gold away now if u want to be  s**t when  u get older then continue    

  20. i think you are not a s**t.s***s are real women only having s*x in their minds.You are 15 now and try to stop this.You should get a real boyfriend who will support you a lot.It is boring being single and u might wanna regret all this later in life.Try to change and look for a guy.A guy that makes you smile,makes you happy,finds you cute, and all this.It will make you feel much better and forget all this nonsense with only having s*x.It will be great trust me and you might even fall in love.And falling in love is great when the other person loves you back ! It is important to have a boy on your side :)

  21. Wow, yes you would be characterized as a s**t. Why don't you understand this? When you lose your virginity or sleep around that is private and not supposed to be common knowledge. You call the guys you slept with "men." Does that mean you were 13 and they were over 18? Not cool and illegal. Another thing, don't fool around with all of the guys at your school because they talk, and no wonder you are known as a s**t. Rethink your approach to s*x.

  22. c**p.

    Thats more action that I willl get in my entire lifeeee.

    Nvm about the s**t thing think about the risks

    Cancers, herpes, pregnancy, etc.

    And yeah. But its not to late to changee if you want.

  23. Personally, I don't kiss and tell, so what that means is, If you don't give ME some sugar then I will tell EVERYONE you are a dirty s**t bag.  

  24. sorry to tell you this but yes ur a s**t.You take a break from guys and grow up! And a lot of people will love you for who you are.

  25. All that is a bit S****y, yes. I hope you're considering the consequences for this behavior.

  26. Yes ma'am I'm sorry it does, but the thing about a bad reputation, is that you can make a good one for yourself. All you have to do is stop your wild child S****y behavior, it doesn't matter if you were single when you posted the pictures on myspace, you made yourself look bad by doing that, it won't make people respect you, it will make people talk about how you don't care about yourself and how S****y you are, and with all of that you probably had a lot of rumors started about you too.

  27. Well it really is your choice,

    I dont see nothing wrong with the underwear thing because when you really think about it if you posted a pic of you in a bikini (which is practically the same thing) nobody would say anything,

    Do what you want girl!

    And if guys say anything just simply say, well you wouldnt be complaining if I was doing it with you now would you =]

    Gl x

  28. though, you do make a rather valid point: it is your choice i think s**t is a harsh word and i do mean this in the least offensive way as possible, but you do sound rather promiscuous. single or not, it doesn't make it right and especially at such a young age.

  29. I think you know the answer.  If you are happy then carry on, I hope you always practice safe s*x and know the risks of syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, pregnancy and other STDs.  If not then get educated.

    if you want people to respect you then you need to respect yourself.  Do you think that by sleeping with guys that they will love you?  Do you do it to be loved and does it work?

  30. ur a w***e fr over 15 dudes. and ur a s**t fr losing ur virginity at 13 and ur a s***k for posting pics ur u in ur underwear on myspace. sorry. thats my opinion.

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