
Do you think that imitation guns should be banned?

by  |  earlier

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guns that look like machine guns and pistols.

In the UK.




  1. Yes they should be banned but it may be too late to stop the rot from setting in.

  2. Yea, definitely. I live in Ireland and loads of shops sell them and if one was pulled on me I wouldn't know the difference...

  3. Yes, I really think they should be.

    They can be used to frighten and convince people they are real.

    And in doing so, they can be used to carry out crimes just as if a real weapon had been used.

    As for toy guns, children should be taught not to play with guns from an early age, so ban them from toy stores too I say.

  4. i dont think these guns (that dont even work) should be banned...but i do think that they should be sprayed bright yellow or something to easily identify them.

    its only when these replica guns etc get into the hands of a criminal who needs it to threaten violence that they become a problem!!!

    so i dont think they should be banned but they should be kept for educational demonstrations, even for war museums and the the right hands lets say.hope this helps you out.

  5. Yes;I do and the sooner the better!

  6. NO.

  7. I think UK police should be armed and allowed to shoot anyone they perceive to be a threat.  I'm sure the rest will sort itself out. (such as being in possession of an offensive girlfriend / haircut / ringtone).

  8. no, I use them for regular airsoft games. I think the current controls on the sale are a step in the right direction, but you seem to be under the impression that banning them will stop criminals using them. By definition criminals do not obey the law. Even if said replicas were to be banned, the next step would be criminals needing a gun for a crime and unable to get a replica, so they get a real one instead

  9. No....that's a Liberal concept. Let's ban anything dangerous. For God's sake kids used to grow up playing cowboys and Indians...It was the way of the is what makes boys...boys... Liberals what to ban anything dangerous so boys grow up soft and g*y....well I say NO!!! Let our boys be boys and grow into men!

  10. No it's not necessary, but if they are used for a crime then the person should get the maximum sentence just as if it was a real weapon.  

  11. In the U.S. now I believe they must have a bright orange end on the barrel to help the Leos identify that they are toys.

  12. I don't think they should be banned as most people collect them for innocent reasons. However anyone caught using one for a crime should get a ten year sentence. If they modify them to fire again then it should be a minimum of life imprisonment  in jail. At the present there is no deterrent  

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