
Do you think that in 5-7 years ....?

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That we'll be able to permanently change our color SAFELY?

Like, for example, if you have dark brown eyes and you want to SAFELY PERMANENTLY change your eye color to blue. Would we be able to do that?




  1. michael jackson hopes so

  2. go to eye surgeon and ask him they will guide you properly.

  3. um.... no I don't think so. It would be cool though!!!

  4. Well, the key word here is SAFELY. Nothing is 100% safe for 100% of the population. So, my answer is NO. They can do relatively safe color changes with specialty surgical inserts in some countries. It has not been proven safe yet here in the US, so they do not do it here. But, as with ANY surgery, nothing is 100% safe, ever, period.

  5. why?

    thats not who you were suppose to be :/

    why would you change?

    you should be happy with whom you are!

    whats what makes you...... you.


  6. No,and I don't think we should be concentrating on stuff like that.Be proud of your eye color!

  7. Count Dracula, is praying so.

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