
Do you think that in Quebec are mean?

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The French are okay til they get upset

Don't rub them the wrong way I have to agree with you?




  1. I'm from Quebec. I don't think I'm mean. I get irritated easily by questions that don't make sense or keep getting asked over and over again. And I am impatient.

    But no. I am never intentionally mean to someone if I can help it.

  2. To whom?

    I generally get along with the Québecois, but I am Acadian, so we share a common language (well, to some extent :P )

    If you are an anglophone and to go there to try to practice your French, if they hear your accent, they will most likely switch to English (if they can speak it)...some see this as rude, but I think the Québecois just want to make it easier for the speaker and avoid misunderstandings...and make the conversation go faster so they don't have to deal with the same person for too long.

  3. It's not a question of French or English, in my opinion. ;)

    If you've been in High School, you've met mean people, wherever you live !

    Most people are nice though. And I'm french, but I don't get easily irritate. I'm quite patient :P

  4. what in Quebec are mean? your question does not make sense

  5. I'm assuming you meant "Do you think that people in Quebec are mean?" No, I don't think that at all. I've traveled extensively in and around Montréal, Québec City, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Gaspésie, etc.

  6. I beg your parsnip?!?

    Could you repeat your question in plain English por favor?

  7. Not more so than anyone else.

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