
Do you think that increasing your tax burden is the best way to combat climate change

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I realise this is a very simplistic question to a wide and complicated question... but hey-ho.




  1. Who's the Cheerful Charlie who's giving a thumbs down to all the witty answers? If he wants to be totally humourless then he should go and play on Wikipedia.

  2. no

  3. I'm all for economic sanctions against New Zealand for not keeping their ice shelf under control.

  4. If you think fighting global warming is expensive, it's nothing compared to the cost of dealing with it, if we do nothing.

  5. Forget the question marks, Susie Q. If a machine doesn't do it for him then nothing gets done.

  6. It's a great way to slow the economy down, which is the underlying motive for many activists who advocate AGW.

  7. well can you put a price on the Environment?

  8. No. Because global warming is a farce and has been proved wrong. Global warming is so 1990's and so out of style. No one believes it anymore.

  9. no i don't think so. the tax burden is already way to high as it is. tax cuts is what we need, and reduced government spending.

  10. That is what the government want you to believe but anyone with just half a brain cell knows it,s bollox

  11. no such thing as climate change

  12. Hi, do you have any choice?

  13. I think they should definitely tax greenhouses.

  14. Increasing taxes will treat the symptom, not the cause. Climate change requires a source of heat and we aren't addressing the source of the problem. Solar radiation including the same UV that burn our skin is causing buildings to generate heat buildings aren't designed, insulated or insured for. Go to the following link to see the heat generated.

  15. Of course, that's how it always works.  Make up some scare and feed it to a gullible superstitious public and tell them they can buy their way out of it.  Never mind picking up that fast food drink cup blowing around in the parking lot, instead, pay Uncle Al his "carbon credits" and saddle yourself with "cap and trade."  That will solve everything, and tank the economy too.  Now isn't that what we really want?  

  16. Very simplistic indeed,but it's still not a question! Bottom right, simultaneously press shift and ?/  you will get one of these " ? "

  17. It's kind of hard to enjoy the environment when you have to work two or three jobs just to maintain the basics when faced with increased taxes and the increased prices for goods that results from those taxes.

    It is especially hard to understand certain politicians (millionaires) advocating tax increases to 'combat' an unproven problem.

  18. Certainly not.  

    The taxes have all gone to pay for government waste. None of the taxes have been in any way good for the environment.  For example the government taxes green energy and fossil fuels equally.  That is except for the worst offender, aviation fuel. Because many corrupt Labour M.P.'s are being funded by aviation, avation fuel continues to get a tax holiday and new runways are being approved which will massively breach European safe emissions standards.

    If you starve householders and industry of money, then they won't be able to invest in cleaner technology.  

    The best way to tackle climate change is through education and investment in new technology.

  19. It is the best way to make you poorer and some other person that likes to scare people about Global warning, richer. Mostly because the poor wouldn't have to pay nor would poor countries and before you know it, only the evil USA would have to pay anything to the New World order for our sins.

    But hey, Europe may like us then.

  20. Yeh, but where does it stop?   Why bother to go to work at all, if they keep increasing the tax-take.

    Keep in mind too than many other countries don`t give a toss about `climate change`.  

    Sadly, I believe because of the thoughtlessness and selfishness of the human race, we are already halfway there.  OK, that sounds too pessimistic and doomladen, but I do believe it`s the truth.

  21. Increasing taxes does nothing for global warming and anyone who believes that it does has got their head up their own *** waiting for the next round of greenhouse gases. Tax is a politicians way of extorting vast sums of money from his favourite piggy bank ie the population of this overburdened country. Why do people actually believe what the governments tell them? The truth is that they need the extra revenue to cover up the mess that they are making with the finances of the country, but they cannot come out and tell us that because we may just complain. It's amazing that so many otherwise intelligent people fall for this bullshit.

  22. I will gladly pay the full price of everything I buy and use.  Put the evironment cost into the market and let the free market correct problems.  The other choice is to use and abuse, and let my grandkids pay the price for me.

  23.       Our biggest unnecessary fuel waste is from our autos, why aren't our leaders talking speed limit reduction? A carbon tax would reduce waste, but instead the plan is "cap & trade"? Wouldn't that result in a huge new bureaurocracy, and part of the proceeds going to carbon credit speculators (like algore) ?  

         They are trying to do this in a way that maximizes government control, while still allowing the wealthy full use of fuel.  

  24. Bob...check out the link on the right side of the page you linked to an article. The title is "Next decade 'may see no warming' ".

    So even though the population is going to increase tremendously and there is no sign of greenhouse gases diminishing, the globe will cool off. Wow, how is man going to adjust mother nature again?

  25. You mean the "let's increase taxation on the green ticket whilst increasing industrial output" line that the Government has taken on the issue.

    We're just going to pay through the nose whilst the problem increases.

  26. Taxes (and government programs) don't ever work out the way they are supposed to, so I don't support a carbon cap&trade/tax or anything of the sort, if it is setup through the government.

    I think it would be a horrible mistake, but I also think that believers HIGHLY overestimate the control humans have over the greenhouse effect .  

  27. If people do nothing about it, then government has to...

    That's what I think so. Anyway, in my country there isn't such tax, and that should be because we haven't felt environment's changes yet... but once we do... my guess is that government will do something about it.


  28. nope.

    on the other hand, is it appropriate to take money from your children and grandchildren so you don't have to pay the tax you should?

    thus far, far more of stealing from our children has been done than addressing global warming.

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