
Do you think that is Hillary Clinton is elected she will bring back her husbands policies?

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Did you like Billi clintons administartion and do you think Hillary would bring back a similar reimgie to what it was under Bill Clinton?




  1. I don't know but she's counting on voters thinking that.

  2. no, monica wants nothing to do with her

  3. Let's face it when Bill was our president it was really Hillary who called the shots. It was her policies that his administration was pushing anyway. It will be like we went back in time and lost 8 years of our lives.

  4. I think electing Hillary Clinton will bring back the White House silverware and china she took.  She may even bring back a few other things she took.  However, I understand that the letter "W" the Clintons took from the White House keyboards are lost forever.

    She will also roll back the Bush tax cuts for the rich and reinstitute the tax system popularized by Bill Clinton.  Abortions will also be paid by the government again.  Other than that the other Clinton policies of offering people the right to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom for being a donor to their campaign, and freeing prisoners who make political donations to her campaign would naturally be expected.

  5. To all you super knowledgeable people on Hillary I am glad you are so in love with this administration. I guess you are going to start a petition to keep him office.

  6. Hillary Clinton might adopt some of the policies of Bill Clinton that clicked but definitely not the image about the s*x scandals.  It could be the policies for the improvement of the economy.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  7. They are both socialists but I think Hillary is the worse of the two. Hillary would make socialist America in her own image - scary.

  8. She will be far worst. Janet reno. Eliminate the first and second amendments, higher taxes, hard economic times.

  9. i don't think she was for some of Bills policies when he was pres.   she was playing politic-es an d keeping herself ready to jump in on her own asap.    god only know what she will try to do if she gets elected.    just hope she doesnt

  10. If you understand the Clinton's.. you know that Hillary wears the pants. So if elected she would bring back HER policies.

  11. no I didnt like him and yes she will bring that nutcase back

  12. Only time will tell, but to some extent I'm sure she will pursue his policies. I think she will use him as an adviser. He was the slickest politician of this century by far. She will use him in determining how to pursue her ideas.

    Did I like his administration-tough question. I do feel that if he could have kept it in his pants we, as a nation, would be in a much better place now than we are.

    My problem is I neither like nor trust Hillary, but I trust obama even less. the thought of a slick Muslim running a christian country scares me to death. the term "slick" refers to someone who is smart and has the ability to negotiate to get things done, and bill Clinton was absolutely brilliant at negotiating because he kept both sides reasonably happy with his decisions.

  13. No because she won't have the luxury of the dot coms and a high stock market. She will need to deal with the big issues like terrorism, a war, and the illegal aliens.

  14. I don't think so. you see i don't from the uS. but Each politician has his/her rules to run this country.

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