
Do you think that it's fair to reject a girl...?

by  |  earlier

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Because you hate girls in general and because the ones that you liked were b*****s. Also I didn't really like any of the girls that got rejected so that was part of it too. The revenge felt good but was it fair to treat those girls like that?




  1. I think it's perfectly fair to reject a girl... Just like it's perfectly fair for a girl to reject a guy. It's all in how you do it. What I think may be a little unfair to girls that like you, is ruling them all off because of what happened in your previous relationships.. Maybe you could be a little more open-minded and take things slow. But if you hate girls... leave them alone... lol.

  2. Well, I think if you don't like somebody then there is nothing wrong with NICELY saying they aren't your type. But if you are being mean to revenge some other mean girl...then I would say that's not fair.

  3. Tell the girl that right now your not really wanting to date anyone because of what has happened before and that you need some time to think.

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