
Do you think that it is fair to cut social security?

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Government is thinking of cutting social security because it my go broke

by 2041 , will the government repay all the I.O.U. first . I in the private sector can not double dip or triply dip . no matter what people think it

is taken from the general fund first the ( double dippers )




  1. Yes it si fair to cut benefits if they cut benefits from those that don't need to draw it first like John McCain. He draws this benefit and he sure does not need to.  

  2. yes, actually i support cutting people off who never paid into it, that might help some.  

  3. i wholly expect to get back every single dollar that i've contributed during my working life.  if the system is shut down, i intend to sue the government for that money.  yeah, i know it's a reach, but if everyone who feels the same way does the same, we'll have something.

  4. Given the current paradigm yes. Social security is a Ponzi Scheme and is also a third rail of American politics. Neither of the two major candidates is brave enough to make necessary reforms. A private insurance company could never get away with the kind of mismanagement that the federal government has gotten away with regarding Social Security. The system needs to be entirely privatized.

  5. This is such bullcrap.  

    Our government had no problem inflating the budge deficit to go to war, I'd rather see us go into debt to pay for social programs than to fight wars we don't need to be involved in.

  6. social security is not going broke

    people keep putting money into it

    but what is happening is congress is using that money for other stuff

    instead of leaving it alone like they said they would

  7. No, it is not just or right.  Just more broken promises for good ole uncle scam.  

  8. social security is so important  

  9. We have no choice but to reduce SS benefits if the money we need isn't there.  We need to try to make them last for as long as we can.  


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