
Do you think that it is possible to be VP and manage 5 children and especially special needs child?

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Thank you DMAC, my question is "wrong", sure she can do it, but should she? Her child will be taken care of...but not by his mother




  1. I think a man could do it.

    And I think a woman could do it too.

    And I think you are Sexist!

  2. I don't see a problem here. We as women can work outside of the home. I raised 3 children and worked. I still work and help take care of my grandchildren. Oh yeah my son was a special needs child. I did it alone so she can do it with the help of her husband. What is the big deal?

  3. Ask Nancy Pelosi, mother of five.

  4. The question assumes the mother is the sole care giver--thats not the case.Did Biden give up his political career when his wife was killed..even though he was the ONLY care giver?NO, The question also implies that a womans place is at home--how..liberal...

  5. people constantly are getting this wrong and for the wrong reasons, the question asked is can Palin do it, and the answer is yes she can but what should be asked is should she do it. she has a child with down syndrome which is considered a special needs child and will require more time then she will be able to provide so the father will have to give up his life and be a full time special needs father although we all know they would have a full staff for that to allow him time to golf and public speaking engagements and maybe a lil nookie on the side while his wife is galavanting acrossm the country with her sugar daddy and his new pack of viagra lol, what a horrible thought i just imagined not the maccain palin thing but to even think they would make it into office but back to the topic. I am supporting Obama but even still i think his daughters will suffer a tad bit being young and all but they have gotten to know their father and michelle obama is a strong woman as well as cindy Mccain but back to Palin i dont mean to sound crass or rude but im sure her childs situation is a pain and what better way to escape the situation than to run for V.P. and maybe she needs to apply more time to her dysfunctional family than trying to be a symbolic heroe and history maker at the expense of her needy child.


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