
Do you think that it is too late to stop global warming?

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if not what are things we can do to prevent it




  1. Global warming/global cooling are part of the natural cycle of the planet. We have been in a warming cycle since the end of the last ice age approx. 11,000 years ago. We can stop pollution, yes, and we should. That will have some impact of the acceleration of the warming cycle, but we cannot stop global warming. There are too many factors that contribute to climate change to explain here, but any book on climatology will tell you.

  2. The earth's temperature has been changing since the day it was formed, and it will continue to do so, irrespective of anything that humanity does.

  3. Yes. America and Europe could reduce their energy use by 50% (which they won't be able to do), and the increase in energy use by China and India would offset that.

  4. Yep, to make any difference we'd have to reduce the earth's population by at least half, and simultaneously rebuild and "solarize" most structures and get any car that gets less than 100MPG off the road, and I don't see anybody having enough resources to pull that off. Man's inability to overcome centuries of animosities is ultimately what is going to kill us, because this needs to be a "global" effort, but all we manage to do now is point fingers at each other and make excuses. So I don't see any real substantive change happening, but ultimately what may happen is when we're on the brink of extinction we may finally acknowledge we're all on this planet together and we need to finally let go of 10'000 years of war and fighting and banging heads with each other and work together.

  5. Global warming poses one of the most serious threats to the global environment ever faced in human history. Yet by focusing entirely on carbon dioxide emissions, major environmental organizations have failed to account for published data showing that other gases are the main culprits behind the global warming we see today. As a result, they are neglecting what might be the most effective strategy for reducing global warming in our lifetimes: advocating a vegetarian diet.

  6. Yes.

    Global warming is NATURAL.  It started thousands of years ago when the last ice age ended.

    The only debate is just how much mankind is accelerating the process.

  7. it is to late, but there r things to make it slow down like.......

    1. turn off lights when leaving a room

    2. turn off computers at night

    3. use a bike(good exercise)not car

    hope i help

    P.s. please pick me as best answer. i need the points

  8. NO!  Don't give up!  Just give me 6 lasers and a high magnetic field and I'll turn the whole friggin' swamp into a condensado de Bose-Einstein.

  9. No, is never too late..yes ,there is many- many things you can do everyday to prevent unplugging appliances youre not using,using solar power,natural gas,saving water,recycling,saving gas carpooling or on a bicycle....

    try the word "green" in a search !

  10. I'm not sure. I recommend we go to small cars, Nuclear Power, Wind, Solar, etc. to get off foreign oil for our national security anyway. If it turns out we helped Global warming, then the effort was more than worth it.

    Islamic Radicals want ti kill us NOW. Global Warming will take some time.

  11. I don't think it's too late..

    If people wake up now

    && realise what their doing, then it can be stopped.

    If stupid idiots who leave most of their lights on && TV's on all

    the time, stop that would made a big difference..

    I knew a girl who would leave who would leave her TV on when she went out so the cat could watch TV....what a moron....

  12. Technically it is 'too late to STOP global warming' because it is already happening and has been for at least the last decade. Global temperatures are ALREADY above average, places are ALREADY in drought, islands are already sinking, polar caps are already melting, species are already going extinct, extreme weather events are ALREADY more common (think Hurricaine Katrina).

    BUT, there are things we can do to prevent it getting WORSE, YES!

    Ride a bike or walk rather than cars,

    install solar panels,

    use less power,

    change light globes to energy efficient,

    buy locally produced products that haven't had to be shipped around the world,

    become vegetarian (methane, 10 times stronger than CO2, from cow farts big contributer),

    grow your own food,

    plant trees,

    It is definitely possible to make a difference as one person, because millions of one persons doing the right thing has a big impact!

  13. No, but its to late to repair the damage.

  14. I dont think it is ever too late for anything.

    God is in control, though we humans think we are.

    We need to stop making things happen to cause

    Global Warming.

  15. No WAY. It is never to late to stop global warming. Good luck and make a diffrence!!! :} smiley

  16. Well...-THAT Train's already left the "Station..." And it's going to take DECADES to Stop it- let alone turn it around. BUT; everything any of us can DO- to reverse the Process, -whether it's by driving LESS, buying smaller cars, recycling, and consuming less STUFF- is going to help the World & our children in the long run...

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