
Do you think that it was disappointing that the closing ceremony didnt appear to be about the athletes?

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In recent Olympic games the closing has been the athletes celebration and the time that they really let their hair down, however this time I felt that Beijing went over the top selling themselves to the world as they did in the Opening Ceremony.

Don't get me wrong, the Chinese people have done a spectacular job but I would have liked to see them be less selfish with the closing and to make it more about the celebration of the athletes achievements than themselves as a nation.

As an Aussie I was particularly disappointed not to see a shot of our three time gold winner Steph Rice carrying our flag.




  1. I wish they would've been more about the athletes also.

  2. no. the olympics were obviously rigged by the china-mans.  

  3. No.. its not dissapointing. because the olympics is about how the country reunited as one its not about just one country like america & australia!

    its fair because i have been trying to search  information to all the videos & news to all countries & what do i see is always australia and usa news & vids..

    its fair & square

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