
Do you think that it would make an difference it our president was black?

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Do you think that it would make an difference it our president was black?





  2. To me, no.

    To national perceptions of African Americans. Yes.

    It is history in the making.  

  3. Why should it make any difference regardless of what color our president's skin is?

    We elect our leaders based on their potential leadership ability and skills, not the color of their skin.


  4. No problem, but he'd have to be a conservative black man/woman.

    The one who is running is a socialist and we don't need a far left socialist in the White House.

  5. I don't vote for a candidate because of the color of his skin.

    I would hope that both of the candidates would do what is best for our country.

  6. yes, it would hurt the fund raising abilities of jesse jackson, et al, which is why they have said he isnt black enough. they still want their anger and hate to keep them employed.  as a conservative, i said years ago i wanted condi, but she was unelectable as too conservative, and even black people ridiculed her with black face and massah rhetoric. it seems the only black person that is "valid" is liberal... even bill cosby has been trashed for sayin EVERYONE (not just blacks) should stand up and be responsible

  7. It shouldn’t matter what color, religious conviction, or gender a person is for any occupation including the president of the country. It should only matter if he or she can do the job appropriately and if their political conviction.♥

  8. I think it would make a difference if you asked a realistic question, and It's only been about race because Obama wants it that way because he's a coward hiding behind the african american race and being half white why does he fit in there anyways., man what a farce////

  9. no but i think most blacks are smart enough to realize it is to much stress and a dead end job that can make you depresed i havent seen any president look healthy after going into ofice its to much

  10. No. I think Obama isn't good president material. Not because he's black but because he doesn't have enough political experience.  

  11. Obama would make a difference because he's a good leader with good policies and diplomatic skills. His achievements will also be an inspiration to minorities. However you could also have a bad black leader. For example Idi Amin was a black man, and there are lots of other examples of corrupt black dictators in Africa. In the end you have to judge by the individual, not their race!

  12. Even though Im not voting for Obama due to inexperience and some of his issues...I do not believe it would make a difference at all. I think it is awesome that the times have change to where a black man is able to run for president. Also a women. Being President should definitely not be about race or s*x. It should be about who is the most qualified for the position. May the best candidate win

  13. it depends on the problems he is willing to address like affordable insurance and property values. but i think many other people who aren't sensitive to other cultures will cause wide spread problems with protests and tabloid magazines

  14. If our president is elected because of his charisma, intelligence, foresight, and plan for the future rather than simply the novelty of the color of his skin, then it would be a fulfillment of the dream Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about 45 years ago... a day when a black man can reach the highest public office based on the content of his character. And it would be a great day for America. The same goes for the day a woman is elected not because she is a woman or despite being a woman, but simply because she is the most worthy candidate.

  15. I think it would be great to have a black president, it would be a great step forward...and a way of overcoming our past

  16. It would make no difference what color he or she long as they are up for the job.  If Obama had the true credentials to be president, I would vote for him, but he does not.  The Democratic party is trying to promote this man as something he is not. Give him some time, go back to the senate, run for governor of Illinois and accomplish something. Let him get some experience before he takes on the world. Let us get to know what this man is really about, because right now he is scary.

  17. The color of the candidate's skin is completely irrelevent, what's important are his ideas. The current candidate doesn't have any good ones.

  18. You shouldn't vote for a president because of race or color.

    But if a black president did win then yes it would make a difference.

    Its plain and simple

  19. Yes it would.  It will show Americans and the world how progressive we are in the matters of race issues, and even other issues beyond race.

  20. The color of his skin doesn't influence my vote.  His wisdom, genious, care and concern do.

  21. To all the racists in this country, yes.

    To the rest of us, no.

    Cynthia McKinney 08

  22. He/she could be purple or plaid or the hunchback of Notre Dame.

    What counts is the intelligence a President has.


  23. I think it will make a difference, and I'm hoping (if elected, which I'm also hoping for actually) that he makes it a good change.

    Oh, btw, the color of the candidates skin SHOULD be irrelevant. Unfortunately, it is not. I'm hoping that he does a good job, so that it becomes irrelevant.

    If elected, Obama could either open the door for African Americans (and then possibly people of all races), or he could shut it in their faces.

  24. of course not !

    racist people are a lil small or have trouble thinking ,,, !

    God created us equal !

    no it wont matter to me !

  25. no because he was raised by his white mom anyway (thats if ur talking about obama and not future candidates/presidents)

  26. WHAT?  dont't know what you are saying but i believe Obama will be president for all people.

  27. no.  I think it just depends on a person's skills.  They have to be able to have outstanding diplomacy, a solid understanding of economics and be able to gain support of leaders in Washington. ( Plus, I'm sure there's a whole lot more.)

    We need someone smart, strong and ethical.    

  28. A difference to what?

  29. Not to me.  Not to the world either.  

    I am a pro-life democrat who is more concerned about the country than anything else. so have chosen to vote McCain/Palin this time around.

  30. No, his color of skin doesn't mean a thing to me. It's his policies and voting tendencies that give me pause.

  31.    well we wont know until a black runs and wins.a half white is running time it may be a confused.why do they think obama is black when he is not.well they have a couple of more months.maybe they will know by then.dahhhhh.

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