
Do you think that its hard to find a husband if you are 25 and over?

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In my friends who started looking for a serious relationship at or over 25 had the hardest time finding a potential spouse..I have friends well into their late twenties that say that they just aren't having any luck. The men are either fathers already, married, or have been married, or even g*y. What do you think?




  1. The average age that couples are getting married is 27.  So most couples are meeting one another in their early twenties.  My theory is when you're in college, there are so many people around your age that you meet through your classes, clubs/organizations, classmates/friends and work.  When you graduate your social circle diminishes greatly.  I think that this is why dating over 25 gets harder.  You don't meet and get to know as many people.

  2. Well, it wasn't hard for me.  I started going out with my present husband when I was 25, and we got married when I was 26.  I know lots of people who got married later than that as well.  Not everyone gets married in their early twenties.

  3. When you are that old, you are more matured and so you easily see who will be a good husband.  The result is that you reduce your chances of disappointment and divorce.  The good ones are few so it will take a longer time to find.  Also if you are picky and not flexible, you will not find a mate.  But i think if you are realistic and not idealistic, you will find a good one.

  4. The older people get, the less "options" are available. It doesn't mean there isn't someone out there with whom you can find happiness. I have always been a picky person when it comes to relationships, and in the end I have found an amazing man through internet dating sites. If this sounds like a solution for you, try one out, and when signing up be honest with yourself. If this isn't something you're interested in, maybe join community programs that allow you to expand your circle.

  5. I'm not sure that it's harder, but I believe that being a bit older helps a person have a good marriage that is more likely to last.

  6. I think you are right...If you are 25, then realistically then men's age bracket you would be after are either married (messing around), g*y, single (for a reason), or whatever...A lot of your friends are in to serious realtionships and you find less of the to hang with...So join the married crowd as it were? Statistics are showing that men and women are waiting to be 26-27 and 25 respectively to get married. (I have attached the link for you)...So women's average age now is close to 25. Take Care

  7. Nope. I found my husband when I was 28 and we have been married for 5 years!

  8. Sounds like they are being a bit picky.  If they are looking for people who don't fit that criteria then it is true that it will be harder.  I think they need to include divorced people and then they would have better luck.

  9. It has more to do with the maturity level than it does with mate availability. At 18, you might marry just about anyone you happen to be infatuated with at that particular moment; at 28, you are more aware of what is just an infatuation and what is worthy of considering marriage. You are more aware of what makes people compatible, what your requirements are and what to look for in a mate, and so you "screen out" a lot of people who don't meet your criteria. You are wiser and more "picky", so to speak. So yes, it makes it more difficult to find a person, but hopefully when you do find him/her, you'll be able to have a much healthier relationship.

    P.S. I met my husband after 4 years of being "single and looking"; I was 30 and he was 34.

  10. no

  11. No problems here.

  12. Maybe the pickins are slightly slimmer but I didn't have a problem.  It was kind of the opposite actually.  I got out of a relationship at 29 and didn't want to date anymore.  Guys always approached me still.  I just didn't want to be involved.  I decided at 34 to date again & met someone who wanted to get married but I didn't feel the same.  Then I met my husband a month before I turned 35.  I'm 37 & my husband is 39.  This is the 1st marriage for both of us.  He does have a 15 yr old daughter but I'm fine with that.  I don't see anything wrong with marrying someone who has a child or has been divorced.  Life happens.  I never made it a habit to date g*y men though :-)

  13. I had no desire to get married young, I really liked being single and actually waited until I was 40 to marry.  My husband was 31 at the time. I think you can find the right one at any age.  

  14. You must have ugly friends then because attractive women NEVER have a problem landing a man.

  15. I did have a hard time but one day I realized that I was waiting for love to just happen. Once I made a concerted effort to take control and stopped waiting for things to happen to me, I found somebody. Honestly, I'm glad I did have to wait because I feel I'm so much better prepared to enter into a marriage now.  

  16. So over 25 is over the hill now? Cmon give me a friggin break!

  17. Most of the people I know got married after 25 yo.  The few that got married under 25 are divorced and on their 2nd marriage.

    I think you have a hard time finding men in general.  

  18. I’m 29 and for some strange reason I think the same way.   Things are really not good in my marriage, I think it will end up in divorce.  I know my husband since High School.  For some strange reason  I really believe that at my age is going to be hard finding someone to spend the rest of my live with.  People tell me the opposite.  

  19. I agree with Sandy Ego

  20. my parents got married when my mom was 29 and my dad was 33. and they met on a blind date.

  21. No.  Most of the people I know married after 25.

  22. I see my friends dating (all in their late 20's/early 30's) and I realize how lucky I am.  You're right--dating seems hard these days and I don't envy people.  

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