
Do you think that kids are starting to have s*x WAYY early?

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First of all, their was an 8th grader at my school last year who was 13 and pregnant by an 18 year old. Now Ive seen like 10 questions from kids asking what to do cuz they are pregnant or got a girl pregnant. I mean what is wrong with kids today. 2 years from now, 8 year olds will be havin s*x.




  1. yup they sure are!

    its so sad im 18 and barely started having s*x with my bf

    i kno i should have waited!!

    idk what these little girls are thinking=(

  2. No, they're not having it EARLY ENOUGH!


  3. Well, if you think about it, 13 -17 year olds were the majority of mothers waaaaaaay back then so it's not "starting"'s been that way for a while.

    I think that kids now days are not responsible nor do they have proper knowledge on s*x,pregnancy and STDs.

  4. I agree with some of you saying that the schools should teach abstinence, but a lot of these kids are being pressured into it and teaching abstinence doesn't work like it used to now the best they can do is teach safe s*x and educate them about STDs.

  5. As long as they're not finding religion. Personally, I never wanted s*x. Still don't. Just not a big thing for me, because I am sufficiently awesome.

    I mean. Modest. And stuff.


    Not a big fan of sleeping around, though. I can understand having s*x with someone you "love," but not just for the sake of sexing.

    I mean, there are so many more interesting things to do. Like fighting. And debating. Both of those are actually fun. s*x? Not so much. Might just be me, though. I don't really see the point of it. Risks of pregnancy, STDs, etc...not really worth feeling good for about ten seconds.

  6. Yea i know, i had 13yr olds at my school who were pregnant.

    Im now having s*x until im 20! even though i had a baby and i love her so much, i was raped, it has obviously put me off s*x for a very long time.

  7. ok i think its the s*x education. we are just telling them wait wait and don't explain why

    we need to give them all the facts and explain it great detail. all the pros, cons, good, bad, ugly, and everything in between about s*x.

    also parents need to stop being whimps and talk to their kids about s*x.

  8. They seem to have forgotten that the point of s*x is to GET PREGNANT. And then they have all this idiotic birth control pills and condoms and c**p that encourages them to have s*x. Culture is just asking for it.

  9. i agree kids are having s*x way to early, like at such a young age its almost gross like what it with the kids of today where 12 year olds can get pregnant, like really someone must tell then to keep it in there pants, im 17 and im still a virgin, there aint nothing wrong with that

  10. I think girls are having s*x with guys way to early. I am 15 and my 17 year old boyfriend always wants s*x. All my friends are not virgins either, mostly by older guys.

  11. I think they are, s*x is becoming nothing in our culture. It truly is a shame

  12. Yeah it also has a lot to do with girls strarting puberty at a younger age.

  13. I think its because schools are no longer teaching abstinence, they are teaching safe s*x!  i heard that some schools are giving students condoms and birth control pills. but the fact is these kids are too stupid and naive to think they are invincible and that they can do wat they want. when i was in jr high (the 90's) we learned 'say no to s*x.' today its 'practice safe s*x'.

    i honestly think that kids aren't responsible they aren't going to use condoms because they dont think about the consequences. if schools would go back to teaching abstinence, then we wouldn't have these problems.

  14. All kids from all generations have done it, nothing has changed. Only difference is that the internet gives all those fertile promiscuous teens a voice

  15. kids are having s*x waaaayyy too early. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 28, while I was on my HONEYMOON!!! Kids need to WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE MARRIED!!!!!!!

  16. I agree. I don't understand what happened in the world to make kids want to have s*x. I'm 16 and I know the temptation is there and you wonder what it's like and everything but I'm not going to act on it. It really seems like girls and guys now have no respect for themselves at all. I know a girl in 6th grade who is pregnant and the father is a 16 year old, now tell me what a 16 year old guy wants with a 12 year old girl? It's scary to think that it could possibly get worse, the world is so messed up now as it is it's hard to imagine it getting worse.

  17. Morality is going down ... last days ... keep the faith until the very end ... s*x is reserved for marriage and that's how it was/is intended ... I'm waiting until marriage

  18. i know!im 14,a virgin and planning on staying a virgin till my wedding think safe s*x is ok when they need to teach abstinence and the media needs to stop having all that disgusting stuff all over.i know a 13 year old thats done it!its gross!

  19. i completely agree. Its ridiculous. s*x is supposed to be something personal between two people that are 18 or older. And are in love.

  20. Actually the number of teens having s*x has dropped about 10% since 1993. The only difference is that more teen girls are getting pregnant.

    But I agree I think that some children (that's really what they are) are having s*x way to soon. I mean middle schoolers should not be having s*x! It's just not ok.  

  21. Yes they are.  I dont understand why kids are rushing to grow up.  im gonna lock my kids in their rooms when they get to 10 years old.  i cant imagine my 4 year old having s*x 6 or 8 years down the road.  NO way.. omg.   whats with kids these days.

  22. DUH.

    Children seem to think s*x = maturity, when they're actually proving themselves immature. Just the idea of such a little kid having s*x is sickening.

    Since when did it become so hard to wait until adulthood?

  23. totally agree

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