
Do you think that kids grow up to blame their parents for all the bad things in their life?

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seriously, my sister worked as a single mom, went without while she supported two kids, and they blame her for not providing enough for them, putting them through college... am I missing something?




  1. Not all kids do... but some do.  Part of it is a society that seems to encourage always looking for someone else to blame.  It sounds like your sister's kids  are spoiled brats who don't realize how lucky they are.  Yeah, they may not have had everything they wanted but it sounds like she did her best and that they can't acknowledge it is sad.  Try to talk to them and straighten them out.

  2. i think sometimes parents can sacrifice too much for their children and not include them in the decision making. this ends up creating selfish children who are used to everyone bending over backward for them. children aren't stupid, and should be given a chance to participate in daily life. or course there are things they should be sheltered from, but as they get older parents should include them.

  3. My kids hated me until they were in their mid 20's. Now they see how good they really had it. It's like the old saying, you never know what you have 'till it's gone.

  4. Sometimes it's easier to blame someone else for your own problems.  Who's not easier to blame then the person who was with you for your whole life.  I think the only thing your sister should be blamed for is not teaching them how to appreciate what was given to them.  My mom did the same for me kindof (I haven't been to college yet because of certain circumstances)  She always taught me to be thankful and made me work for some of my own things so i'd understand just how much work she was doing to put food on the table.  Hopefully they'll learn to appreciate her and love her she has worked hard in her lifetime just for them, it's not right that they're making her pay even more for it now.

  5. .... just the stupid ungrateful ones.

    The wise ones go through a short period of anger and rebellion (which is normal) and then realise how much their parents actually did for them. They also turn out to be responsible and accountable for their own mistakes.

    Unless the parents were really lousy and totally irresponsible in which case ..... they should be blamed ... but only for some things.



  6. It really depends on the person. I will admit I have been spoiled and really taken care of for my entire life, but even in hard times and when I have troubles I would never blame my parents for what happened. Children have got to learn that it is mostly based on their actions and how they approach life that leads them to the troubles they encounter. Most parents try their best to provide and shelter their children and the children have got to learn to appreciate what they have because a lot of people have less if not nothing.

  7. yes! i think most kids do blame their parents for everything bad in their life. this has been my personal experience. the government wont let parents control their children these days untill their grown. they call it child abuse. but;, they lock them up after they get grown for not obeying the law. this has a lot to do with the way kids feel about thir parents nowdays. hope your sister will tell them that she provided for them by herself. and they need to appreciate that fact. good luck.

  8. Generally kids will blame their parents for all that is wrong with the world right up until they have kids of their own.

    At which point, they start thinking of their own parents as amazing people.

    Kids expect to get what their peers get.  Life is not fair.

    They'll get over it.

  9. Some adults have GOOD REASON (abused etc.)...

    90% of them, that whine/talk about this.. simply have yet to grow-up.

  10. my 3 son's don't  and my daughter does!  Go figure!  But she's a very selfish person.

  11. A lot of children go through the "Selfish Phase". They have no clue yet about adult responsibility.

  12. they just do my daughter is very thoughtful and my son is very thoughtless when you are a parent the one that is always been there is the one who is the gets blame.i believe in the saying wait until you have children and i pray to god you never have  to fine out.  

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