
Do you think that kids who throw tantrums in public places and distrub other should have to leave with their?

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parents. Say for example you are at a restaurant enjoying your meal and conversing with your family and their is a kid who is throwing a tantrum so loud and is disturbing the whole restaurant. The tantrum has been going on for five minutes and by now everyone is staring at the family with the child. Do you think management should make this family with child having a tantrum leave because he is disturbing everyone in the resturant?




  1. well i would say yes

    only because it seems rude for everyone around them

    and if the women isnt trying to calm the tantrum down

    i would politely ask her to leave


  2. As a parent of 2 boys who were extremely misbehaving till they turned 3: I think it depends. For normal parents the situation is humiliating enough and there really is no need to make it worse by asking them to leave. As a former manager who had some experience of working with clients: I'd rather offer some help, like lead them to a room where a parent can quiet the child or suggesting some entertainment or food for a child (boredom and hunger are 2 leading reasons behind tantrums). However, if the parent is obviously of a kind who can care less about disturbing the others, that is the real problem is the parent, then probably saying it flat out and asking to leave would be the best thing to do.

  3. Yes they should be asked to leave IF they cannot quieten the child. If the parent can't control the childs lengthy outburst then they should keep the child at home.

  4. NO!


    I think that parents should have the common sense to take their child outside for some air, for a walk, or for a talk when they act up.

    But... in no way or manner should management or anyone ask them to leave!

  5. Actually, the parent should have sense enough to remove that kid from the restaurant. People are there to eat and relax and do not have to put up with that. I would go to the manager and demand that they are removed or I am re-seated if they were next to me.

    Thats uncalled for in a public restaurant.

  6. Crying children are like good intentions.....

    both should be carried out.

  7. Yes.  If I were at a grocery store, and the child was crying because they weren't getting candy, that's one thing.  This is a restaurant though.  People go there to relax.  If the child has been screaming for 5 minutes, and the parents don't get a clue to take the child outside to cool off, it is time to pack up the doggie bag, hand them the bill, and show them the door.

  8. I don't have childeren, so I often wonder as a parent what I will do when or if my child begings to act like that.

    I used to manage a restuarant in the food court at the mall, and I was in the back counting drawers, there was a child screaming for over an hour.  I had to close the door because I couldn't focus anymore.  I went up front to see what was up and the mom was sitting there plugging her ears.

    I felt like saying, "Lady, go somewhere with your kid."

    But I would definatly say it's the parents responsibilty even though at times I've been tempted to scold both the child and the parent my self when in public, because at times yes, it is very rude.

  9. they usually need  to have their asses busted in public ,or keep them home

  10. I would ask to be moved to a different table. If they could not accommodate me, I would leave. If it was a family restaurant, there probably isn't too much you can do, but at a nice restaurant I am sure management would have or should have stepped in. The worst is to be stuck on an airplane with bratty kids or kids who are screaming.

  11. I have a son who is reasonably well behaved in public and have learned to stick with fast food resturants with him or family friendly ones due to short attention spans, and he doesn't like seeing other people eat when he has no food....mostly I say its parents who let their children rule them that create scenes in public but that is not always so. I just recently read of a family with an autisitc child who were told to leave a resturant and to no longer take their child out in public because the child had a please remember it is not always a behavorial issue when these things happen

  12. I think that the parents should be considerate enough to remove the child themselves until the child calms down.  I have a two year old and there is no way in h**l that I would put up with that kind of behaviour from my child!  With that said we only patron resturants that are family friendly if we are taking our two year old with us because if she is a little noisy out of excitment, no one will notice LOL.  If it were me sitting next to a table with a screaming toddler and the parents weren't doing anything about it, I would ask the manager to move us.  Some people have no class!!!!

  13. the management shouldn't have to say anything to them...any parent with any type of brain should get that kid out of there...I worked at a restaurant for over 5 years and parents would always immediately pay and leave...some would just take their food to-go...but it's not the restaurant's's the parent's fault...they should kindly leave...

    I don't ever remember a parent staying and just letting their kid spaz out...

  14. not necessarily management make them leave, but you'd think the family(out of common courtesy) would go on their own.  At least I would.

  15. Yes, I think the management should come over to the parents and ask them to calm their child down outside of the restaurant. If they don't comply or the child keeps on acting up THEN they should be asked to leave. That is pretty rude of the family with the child just letting it throw a tantrum for 5 minutes.

  16. I have been in a restaurant and even stores where the parents just let their children scream. One parent's excuse was that if you don't pay attention to them then they'll learn not to do it. I wanted to reply with "Well, how about you don't rely on public situations to teach your child a lesson". I have very sensitive ears and I don't even like listening to music too loud. Its like nails on a chalk board to me. So when kids scream in public and it goes on for more than a couple of minutes I start to have an anxiety attack and I can't even focus on my meal or whatever I'm buying. Parents need to be more considerate of others. I wish managers could do something but they will risk their positions if they make customers angry.

    My sister works in restaurant that is catered towards the adult crowd. Well, parents bring their children anyway and then complain about the restaurant not having booster seats. Some even go as far as to accusing the restaurant or whatever employee they are attacking of not liking children. The managers just have to calm them down and try to accommodate them as best they can but they still haven't implemented booster seats...thank God. Parents just need to realize that the rest of the world does not think as highly of their children as they do.

  17. take  baby  out   let  cry  for  a  walk   ok

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