
Do you think that knowledge comes from our inner spirit and not our outer mind?

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Do you think that knowledge comes from our inner spirit and not our outer mind?




  1. wisdom comes from a deeper source within us. Knowledge is available through various media. Knowledge is nothing without wisdom.  

  2. knowledge is of mind. all read and heard stuff, memory, opinions, beliefs...

    knowingness, intuitive knowingness beyond doubt is not of mind, but of beingness. and this cannot be a thought in mind.

  3. Knowledge comes from the outer mind....

    Wisdom comes from inner spririt.

  4. You mean intuition? I believe that our survival skills are built in. The problem is that the modern world has dulled these skills. And often, people ignore their intuition when it comes to protecting themselves or surviving. But these are the most important skills that come from our inner spirit. These skills go all the way back to the caveman days. All wild animals still have these skills intact.

  5. Wisdom comes from spirit, knowledge comes from outside. Although the two are synonymous in a sense too.

  6. Brain!

  7. Knowledge is the outcome of interaction of the inner with the outer.

  8. As human beings, we already know a great number of things from the moment we are born. But much of our flexibility as humans comes from our capacity to learn.

    In other words, it's a false dichotomy.

  9. To Answer your question - YES knowledge does come from within our inner spirit - it is things like "I know this is Wrong" that is the inner spirit that tells us right from wrong and the outer tends to deliberate doing what we KNOW DEEP INSIDE is wrong -

    I also believe that.... being in tune with who you, and  what you are basing your actions on depends on how well you express your knowledge....then there lies our values, morals, and beliefs which makes us knowledgeable to do right and/or wrong.

  10. Knowledge comes from your brain. How it gets there is another topic.

  11. No, I think our mind gathers the knowledge and our inner spirit interprets and uses it in a way that fits our values, morals, situations, and advantages best.

  12. uhhh..

  13. Knowledge:

    acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from STUDY or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things.

    so..its something you acquire.  

  14. Think about it this way. If we were born in a box that was just big enough to walk about in, and say food, water and everything we needed was available to survive, how would we obtain knowledge about anything if we didn't know anything? If there is no one around to teach us, how do we learn? Sure we can teach ourselves little things here and there in this box we live in, like food goes in our mouth. But how do we learn that Rosa Parks stood up for her race in order to start an end to segregation and things like that? So I think knowledge comes from both.

  15. Knowledge comes from our conscious mind, open to learning and eliminating ignorance.

  16. I think It's the motivation which comes from our inner spirit, and this motivation makes you always looking for more knowledge, but your brain is the place you plant this knowledge and benefit from it.

  17. I think that knowledge is attained by our inner spirit through our outer mind.

  18. Inner Spirit is our emotions.  Knowledge must be comprehended of the mind

  19. I am not sure who has proving that there is an inner and outter mind.

    That comes from our spirit.

    Actually there is theories that our bodies carry around cell memory from generations that have lived before us.

    If our knowledge comes just from that innate knowledge, then where is our freedom of choice? Why go to school? Why ask questions and why debate things?

    Me thinks you are over thinking

  20. No, I believe just the opposite.  

  21. My knowledge comes from my inner translation of my outer mind  for you see there is a direct link to perception that iI know and that of which i feel .sounds technical. when I know something is special it's inner  when something i realize something it's outer mind this is outer mind talk inner talk go's something like this I know all that there is is inside of me together all of my being will pull together to make this a reality for all to see they will understand my way for my truth is all I am well I think I've answered your question but one things for sure I HAVE ANSWERED MINE THAT BEING DEEP INSIDE ALL TRUE ANSWER ARE TO SURFACE THE TAKES A RECEPTACLE OF INNER UNDERSTANDING TO RECEIVE THEM WE COULD GO ON AND ON FOR THE INNER SELF IS UNENDING THIS I LOVE TO TAP INTO FOR IT IS THE ORIGINS OF US ALL   ... CAPS OFF I believe ...   you see caps on or caps the inner spirit has no boundaries thank our lucky stars

  22. There are two kinds of knowledge.

    Knowledge that one statement is true and another is false comes from our outer mind.  But knowledge that one feeling is good, and another is bad comes from our inner spirit.

  23. No, knowledge comes from without. It is the things you learn in your life.

    Wisdom is what comes from within.

  24. Knowledge comes from the intertwined dichotomy of the empirical with reasoning.

  25. Knowledge comes from life's experiences, records, science, philosophy, religions, studies, intuition. wisdom, and Deity through revelation, personal and epochal.

    Understanding along with truth is another subject however.

  26. from both  our inner spirit assimulates what it gets from our mind  processes it  and returns it to our mind  so it is a on going back and forth  checks and balances

  27. I think that human beings cary knowledge in their inner spirit, however, only people that are in-tuned with their "inner spirit" can access it. Otherwise, every day mundane stuff can be resolved by using your logic and recycled knowledge of generations.

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