
Do you think that many of us are guilty of not living life to the full?

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There is only one life, one chance, everything else is wishful thinking.

Thanks a lot.




  1. really,we should thank god for this life

    may be not everyone can say but i can

  2. yes!...we are...

    we actually know that we only have limited time in our lives..

    but, i just can't help it but to waste my time as always..

    and it's a fact, that many of us are super guilty of that thing.

    well, let me guys give u alittle tip abt ur lives, particularly, on this matter.

    if there are chances or opporuntities set for you, don't hesitate to accept it and take it as fast as possible. we might not know, it may be our last chance..

    hope it helps..=)

  3. This question is wide open for interpretation!  "Living life to the full"? By whose definition?

    Some may think that if you haven't tried everything in life (incl. most of the vices),  you haven't lived fully.  Others may think that if you haven't done something worthwhile for others you have wasted your life.

    I simply say if you haven't taken your chances or have squandered opportunities,  you have not lived fully to your potential....Yes,  I am guilty of not realising that when the time was right!!!

  4. NO. Not at all.

  5. Every thing is depend on our family background

    and on us ..

    and yes many times .....we are  

  6. Life is not only enjoyment...

    It is much more than this... please do understand what is life... and the definition of "living life to the full"...

    You have wrongly used the word 'guilty'... for emphasising your point of view...

    This may misguide youngsters...

  7. that depends on d way how u take ur life....and most of us only learnd how to regret ... and because of this we even loose d gud times that we can enjoy....

    so love ur life...enjoy evry momnt   this should be d motive

  8. oh yeah, every1 of us 2 some degree. cotton-woolled children more than others. harder 2 stand on our own 2 feet, more fear of meeting people, doing new things, feeling inadequate, out of comfort zone...

  9. may be some ....but not me i am trying to live life as it comes .

  10. 'Living life to the full'. Here I think you mean life full of achievements, accomplishments, having success all round.

    Well if you mean such things are a destination, then it is okay. but things like this and SUCCESS as such is not a destination. It is just a journey.

    One more thing is we can aim for perfection and purity. To achieve fullness is herculian task.

  11. i am guilty of living life to the fullest.

  12. Maybe "one life" is wishful thinking too.

  13. (while this may be a relative question)

    There is a saying that," the greatest sin, is never living your life to the fullest".

    If we try to accomplish as much as we can (in a realistic matter) if you make an honest effort (regardless of what you accomplish), then you can't fixate on that point...

    However, if you are aware that you are really not making much of an effort...if you are being a 'sloth' ...then you don't have an excuse and your life is being wasted (especially if you are able and have opportune access to changing your life)...

  14. Every morning when you wake up from bed to meet a fresh new day, remember, it is a precious gift to you that you can't afford to waste away.

    This day is going to be the most wonderful ever...

    This day will remain just 24 hours, and you are going to watch over it for about 16 hours.

    What if this day were going to be the last day in your life? Are you prepared to face your life's 'probably' last day? Are you going to spend it with a heavy heart or with a light one? Are you going to frown or smile? Are you going to make your 'today' miserable thinking of your yesterdays and tomorrows? Are you afraid of what's today going to be like?

    Let not fear grip your heart! What should happen... let it happen... Make up your mind that whatever might happen, you are not going to suffer or fear! You are going to enjoy... of course, without affecting another person's joy and giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the same kind of life.

  15. It is my life, I may do with it as I wish.

  16. I do think that people live life as full as they're comfortable with, but I know of no one who leads life to the fullest.  Everyone is afraid of something.  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  There's a reason we are born with a survival instinct that limits the chances we take in life.

  17. Isn't "a full life" an invented term that is truly meaningless?  Unless there is some real purpose in life, of course.  

  18. I don't know... Is there a definition of life lived to the full? Maybe sitting in a corner of a room and doing nothing is the definition of life living to the full of a person who loves sitting in a corner and do nothing.

    Not doing what we like because of our duties (job, family)? Yes, it is possible, but should we feel guilty? I don't think so.  

  19. i am well aware of what happens and is happening in my life. i try my very best at grasping every opportunity that comes my way. i don't always achieve what i aim for, but it doesn't matter. the fact that tried to is what matters to me most. so, no, i'm not guilty of not living life to its full.

    if, you strive to work hard and you're a optimistic, hopeful and determined individual, i think you have lived and are living your life to the full.

    every day, there is something new to discover in our lives. there is always pentiful oppurtunities flying by to make your life worth living. maybe helping a friend or a stranger. maybe scoring the top mark in an exam or finding a job.

    therefore, i don't think many of us have any reason to be guilty. as long as you have a life, there's always reason to believe there's room for improvement; living it to its full. the key is to be able to identify the life-changing opportunity.

  20. maybe the "full" is impossible for many people...I think everybody has his own "full"...and it is not a matter of "full" but I think we have to focus on how to live "right".



  21. Its just our thought which makes life "FULL" or "NOT FULL". every moment is full of joy, full of life.

  22. A gentleman in the car park of Tesco’s spoke something along similar lines, that one must grasp each opportunity as it arises as a once in a lifetime chance for happiness.

    As per usual I laughed and said no no no ... life is about finding yourself for when happiness or love is found, its moments lasts an eternity superseding a thousand moments spent forgettable and woefully transient in quick exchanges in pursuit of so called living, life or happiness ....

  23. No. I think only a few are guilty of that.

  24. Yes, I really do. we spend too much time worrying about things that we can't control.

    I also think that part of living life to the fullest is enjoying the "journey", meaning  appreciating the moments we are currently in. I'm getting better at that--too many times I've looked back and thought " those were some good times', but at the time, not realizing how much fun I was having, or how great that was.

  25. If we want to live life to the full we have to live passionately.

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