
Do you think that many people believe in a god because...?

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Do you think that many people believe in a god because, to them, life seems so unfair and a god might offer a happy way out




  1. There are some of us who do think that 'feelings' are not a poor indicator of truth.

    We may be wrong, but to live a life that goes against our very 'souls' if you will, would be an unhappy one.

  2. no

  3. its alot more than that when youre born again....but yes there are rewards too..

  4. I think people believe in God because God has called them to believe. God is truly wonderful to know and yes he does make life better.He is not a state of mind but a  living God who deeply loves you. Give him a try and i promise your life will change.Hr is real.

  5. Religion is very comforting, yes and it can also attempt to answer questions that the material sciences cannot, or are not interested in to be more specific.

  6. i think people are much more selfish than that.

  7. I don't know about others but to me believing in God is natural.

  8. No, I think people believe in a god because they have been indoctrinated from a young age. There is no rational reason to believe in any "god".

  9. Yes. the idea of some happy afterlife is appealing. "You'll find the answers in heaven," is apparently a powerful opiate.

  10. that's part of it

  11. Nope.. Ive searched for the truth my whole life.

  12. God is the only way through life, we choose how we go out!

  13. Well maybe not a happy way out, but perhaps their belief offers them answers to the questions they have or it might give them a way to cope when they can not find any happiness. I think people believe in God for many reasons and when they find what they are looking for in that belief, there is no need to search elsewhere.

    It is true that there seems to be a great deal of unfairness in this world and we indeed are all searching for some sort of happiness, but until we come to understand the reason for all the unfairness and unhappiness in the first place, having a belief in something in hopes of life getting better, for some it's not enough.

    Here is a link to a great video that explains the reality of our condition and because of our current state, we are only left in our choice to either believe in God or not, as opposed to finding Him for ourselves. Best wishes.

  14. Sure - one of many reasons to believe in god.

    As children we're used to "parents" - who tell us how to live, right from wrong and answer our requests.  It is pretty natural to want a Sky Daddy when we're grown up.

  15. I think there are many reasons..

    That might be one of them, absolutely!

    Also I think it has to do with socialization and continous indoctrination. It has to do with our dualistic nature, and the way an imaginary friend can feel very comfortable to have. People believe because they WANT to believe. Also, many of us are deathly afraid of our own mortality, which makes us want to think that there is something more after this. Combine that with the need for rules and dogmas and the need for a community of like-minded people, and you are well on your way...

  16. i would say that is true for some people, but i don't know how many.  some people have actual faith because it just feels right in their hearts while others are afraid that without a god there is nothing.

  17. The world is full of pain, injustice, and suffering so it is only natural that people want to believe that there will be an afterlife with justice and retribution.  

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