
Do you think that masturbation is good for you?

by Guest66527  |  earlier

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Do you think that masturbation is good for you?




  1. Recent studies suggest that ejaculating regularly isn't just fun, it can actually help prevent a certain kind of cancer later in life.

    And it fells gooooood.

  2. Yes its really refresh ur mind, when ever u feel of s*x, you can over come form it without doing silli things .

  3. In moderation, yes. Just don't do it outside your house for pete's sake..

  4. it is just a substitute for s*x in absence of real life partner. it is not desirable though not always avoidable and it is also not so bad.  

  5. i know its not bad for you in any

  6. i think its good to relieve your sexual feelings... it is healthy if u do it occasionally that u will be less horny after u done masturbation.,, for more information..add my msn

    i will teach u more. ;)

  7. Yes. It's a healthy way to relieve sexual tension when you're not in a sexual relationship.  If I don't m********e for a certain length of time, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night having an o****m because my body naturally needs the release.

  8. It wont do you any harm.  

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