I keep having these really huge debates with my girlfriend over whether men and women have equal rights. She seems to think that since men have been relatively powerful, that there has to be some sort of BALANCE. I think that women could gain some more power, especially in the work place, but I think that she has crossed the line. Men and women have power in their own ways. For example, I work a construction job and I told her that the reason why guys generally work construction is because we have naturally bigger bodies and muscles. That really set her off, and she seems to think that that is unfair. But I think that women have the advantage of being able to have children, which is a huge deal.
Basically what I'm asking is...do you think men and women are EQUAL? Do we each have our strengths (both internally and in the world)? Do some sort of reparations need to be paid?
I think that my girlfriend is going a little too far and that her feminist ideas should be toned down a little. I know I'm a guy, but some of her theories have been quite radical, and they scare me.
Please answer...thanks :)