
Do you think that men will choose a boring woman that's really beautiful over a bubbly attractive chubby girl?

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Do you think that men will choose a boring woman that's really beautiful over a bubbly attractive chubby girl? (I ask b/c it seems like the boring hot girl gets picked more often than not - from what I have seen anyway, what do you think?) BE HONEST




  1. what do you think?? u've seen it urself

    the hot one obviously thts just the way men were made

  2. I dont see why any man would want a fat slob for a girlfriend or wife.

    All of the men i dated only liked skinny women and i dont blame them cause fat women are disgusting..

  3. It depends on the man.  There are some fools out there that think having a "hot" girlfriend is the be all and end all.  These are the men that end up getting absolutely worked over in their divorce too! LOL

    A man with substance and quality will choose a woman for personality as well as looks.  Let's face it - you need to be attracted to someone physically as well!

    In dozens of surveys, most men find confidence the sexiest thing about a woman, not the size dress she wears.

    There are a tonne of men out there who like their woman with a bit of meat on her bones!!  

  4. I was with a skinny woman and she was play head games then I wa with a chubby girl who was insecure about her looks then she cheated on me so in conclusion I would pick the woman who has the best or better character and heart and respect for us.

    Btw I had to leave both women lol. They lost a good man

  5. it's ok that you're the chubby chick..

  6. Initially they choose the boring, but when they tire of that they go looking for the fun one.  Just like girls go for the dangerous guy over the nice guy.  Sooner or later they look for the nice guy.

  7. Well, i guess it depends. I would class myself a beautiful woman..probably a lil boring too. But how we see ourselves it alot different to how men see us. Not all men are into stick creatures with big b***s and blonde hair. After a man gets to know a woman he generally likes her for her personality.  

  8. My first marriage was to a boring attractive woman,  Good God, it soon turned into h**l!  Mind you, the marriage ended when she got charged with a number of offences, so her boringness had little to do with that.

    My fiance now is a chubby vivacious girl, and it is so much better.

    To quote Denny Crane from "Boston Legal";  "I love chubby s*x!"

  9. there are two types of women the one they date and the ones that they marry..from what i have seen more of the bubbly chubby girls are they ones they marry..they just like to take the beauty's out and show them around like a prize

  10. From what I've seen, when men are teenage boys and 20 something, they pick the boring beauty or bimbo. Somewhere aroung the age of 28, I think they start to look for more than looks.

  11. some people find bubbly people to be boring..what's boring to you may be interesting to another..

    some of those 'boring' people have more to them..cheerful people can get annoying

  12. No because I've seen that guys choose girls that are chubbier than the hot skinny girls. I've noticed that there are guys that go more for who they are than what a person look like. Guys want someone they can hang out, have fun, who's not worried about what other people think. I know this because I know 4 hot guys that are married to chubby women. Plus they weren't thin before they got married either. I guess they say the love to grab something instead of nothing.

  13. In my twenties and thirties...yes, and I think most men who are athletic will answer this way. Today most of my buddies still are "Cute Girl! Nice Body!"...but those of us who experienced long term relationships with beauty, are starting to want the beast!

    But it took me a generation to figure out that the bubble headed blond really is that!

    Now  I am attracted more by an infectious smile and a thinker (sense of humor and intelligent), no more models, tinseltown girls...etc..

    Just a quick example...I had my Golden Retriever at the vet's office, a female Doctor was there with her dog (Heinz 57) and after overhearing her lighthearted and intelligent conversation, I wanted her! She was not a glamor girl by any stretch of the imagination, but her personality way out-shined that.

    Thank goodness for that, because now I am meeting interesting and fun people who aren't full of themselves!


  14. chubby girls just get chubbier... and thats the truth...they end-up hating life and become ugly .... sorry  

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