
Do you think that men would still "gravitate" toward women with large b*****s if they weren't influenced by ?

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the media. I feel like I am supposed to be attracted to guys with six packs b/c thats whats in the magazines but I don't care for them at all.




  1. Yes for me. I'm attracted to some other factors that aren't glamorized by the media but I'd still be attracted to some nice cleavage.

  2. perhaps i like girls who are mature

  3. If there was no media, then everyone would gravitate to who they choose based on what they like. The media just assumes that all men love large b*****s and all women love six packs, and then this is just considered the norm. So I think that it's great that you like what you like in men, and that media doesn't effect your choice. Good luck!


  4. Men who are attracted to large b*****s will be attracted to them regardless of the media.  The voluptuous female has been an object of male passion for hundreds of years.  The male six pack thing, however, is completely manufactured.  And, I might add, mainly aimed at men, not women.  The powers that be are selling men with the idea that they should have six packs and that having them will make them more desirable to women.  I don't think most women particularly care.  

  5. Women with big bosoms have been desired since before humanity even had a written language.

  6. No not as much

    Media does play a big role in what's considered beautiful

  7. I don't like large b*****s, I prefer smaller.

  8. Yes!

  9. I don't know. Personally, I don't like large b*****s. I prefer the ones which are not to small, not to large (I always say, just as large that one breast fits exactly into one hand :-)).

    But yeah, media does a lot about it. Also with the sixpack. I'm sure about that...

  10. Well, biologically speaking we're attracted to those things because they look healthier/more fertile or virile/stronger. In the cavemen days when human beings were new to the planet, traits like physical strength for men were valued a lot more because they were required for survival (hunting, defending and the like). So some scientists say we're wired to find things like muscles attractive.  It's the same with large b*****s.  b*****s are associated with nursing babies, and men were attracted to more fertile women who could better birth and support children.  

    However, because we've evolved and it's easier to survive these days, preferences have changed and different traits are valued.  Like you, I'm not attracted to muscles, and I don't think we're weird. We might be /slightly/ more rare than the average girl, but not strange.  I believe the reason a lot of women still go for muscles and men for large b***s is the left-over biological urges from the beginning of human society.

    But we're not slaves to our history and biological make-up.  Everybody's different, every sexuality is unique.

    Hope that answered your question!

  11. Rrright its the medias fault that we are attracted to women with large b*****s o.O. And the saturn 5 didnt get us to the moon eithier, it made the solar system shift closer to apollo 11.

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