
Do you think that most african american women have attitudes?

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i am not black




  1. I wouldn't say most, but some are loud along with other different races.

    *Some* Puerto Rican women act that way.

    I'm not being racist because I myself am Puerto Rican. However, I am actually shy but my family and their friends are extremely loud and obnoxious, men and women.

  2. i think most women have attitudes. regardless of race.

  3. yes

  4. I think that there can be pent up hostility, anger and hurt with any race.

    However, I agree with someone else who said that black women are portrayed negatively in the media. On televsion shows, black woman are *often* portrayed as the "in your face, finger snapping, head going back and forth" kind of angry women that a lot of people think of when they think of them having attitudes.

    I can touch on a few reasons why there might be some pent up hurt. I find black men to be very s**y and I've dated a few. As a white woman, I have felt the glaring eyes from black females when I was with my past boyfriend. I had a friend of his actually tell him that he was a good black man and should be with a good black woman. When it comes to interracial dating, in terms of white women and black men, I think that there is definitely *some* black women who have attitudes (towards interracial dating).

    Another reason I think there is some agression/ hostility for *some* African American women, is where and how they grew up. As everyone is different, and no two people are the same, I'll ellaborate on what I mean in one example. Let's say a woman grew up in a really bad neighborhood. She always had to keep her guards up and she always had to turn down men who sexually pursued her. She literally had to fight to stay alive on a day to day basis. This could give her a hard exterior, giving her a (seemingly) bad attitude to someone who grew up in a different environment.

    It would be unrealistic to say that all black women had bad attitudes. It's a stereotype. I think that there are certain factors that contribute to someone's life that could make them act in a way that might be different from what we expect, but that happens in any culture. I can see how there could be some assumptions made about them though.

  5. I wonder how this would have sounded if the question was - " Are most women loud mouthed?"

    Since i'am from military background i would most men or atealt the sargeants are loudmouthed!!!

    Then again i'am making a gross generalization and a  huge mistake!!!

  6. "I am not racist, I'm Black"

    That doesn't mean that you're not racist.  There is racism within each race; I thought everyone knew that.

    In terms of your question, I think it's based on stereotypes (stereotypes you SHOULD be aware of, since you're "Black".)  Not every Black woman is some finger-snapping, neck-rolling Sambo.  Some of us can actually get our points across without having to smack our fists against our open palms.  No, not all of us have attitudes.

  7. No, not particularly. No more than anyone else.

  8. I would say ALL women have attitudes :)

  9. anatol

    Probally dosent have a s*x life

    or partys at all ignore that idoit

    Um some black women might i agree with they call me shramu however you spell it. but yeah some do some dont most i have met do and  buy into some media c**p and lowere themselves. also yeah it aint all black women

    so pEaCe oUt

  10. Not all of them, Sure some do but so do women of all races, as do some men.

  11. Im sorry but yes, in my experience they DO. I'm from NYC so I have met people from all sorts of backgrounds.

  12. Nope, not anymore than a Caucasian, Hispanic, or Asian woman does.

    African-American females are portrayed badly by the media. They are turned into s*x objects by a few stupid little boys and told they aren't attractive unless the wear underwear in the streets. Sadly many of the younger African-American girls, even the bright ones, buy into this garbage.

    Every racial group has it's own set of problems and people with attitudes.  We all need to work harder to bring men, women, blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, and everyone else together to start building a better place for our children and their children to live in.

  13. Id say many of them have a chip on their shoulders, and im sorry to say seem to harbor racist attitudes towards women of other races.

  14. Yeah it is a little obvious that they get nasty with people easier and some times meaner. BUT NOT ALL BLACK WOMEN


    what kind of question is this?

  16. But the right attitude will get you what you want.  Bad is negative.  Good is getting what you want.

  17. not any worse than any other race...just maybe a bit louder.

  18. This may make me prejudice, though not racist, when I say, "Yes."

    Culturally, I see so many black females walk around thinking they are the most important thing in the universe.  When they are extra loud and animated, they try to bring attention to themselves to prove to their egos they ARE.  They're not really.  Not a one is more important then anyone else, but they have the attitude that they are.

    It's bad.

  19. Most American women of any ethnicity have this problem.

    Many American men are dead-beats as well but they too are fed up with radical feminism.

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