
Do you think that most children in the Foster Care System that are not adopted get angry at the concept of IA?

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Do they care? Are they justified?




  1. I'd say all other forms of adoption even. IA, private domestic newborn adoption. Its so sad. I feel like anyone in that position has a right to be pissed if they are.

    ( I would pick you first any day Gaia :) )

  2. Interesting question.

    I grew up in foster care.  I know several people who adopted children from China.  I am not mad at them.  I am happy that they are providing a safe and caring and loving home for the children.

    In general, no, I am not mad.  I understand why people adopt internationally.  

    However, I am PISSED at the fact that the foster care system could not find me a "forever home," especially since I was in care starting at age 7.  Yes, I had alot of problems based on the experiences of my bio-parents, however, if the foster care system required more training, etc in children with special needs, I believe that I would have been adopted and my life would have been very different.  

    Kids that come from "bad environments" have alot to learn about living in a family.  It can be overwhelming for anyone not trained or educated well enough about kids with traumatic histories.  And thus, the kid gets moved over and over and over.

    It is not about being pissed at IA, but being pissed at the system, because it is ****** up.

  3. You're assuming that people who adopted internationally would have adopted from foster care if IA was not an option.  The latest study I read showed that IA is only a small portion of all adoptions.  Foster care adoptions are much more common than IA.

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