
Do you think that most men that expect their wives to be virgins...?

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on their wedding night, plan to also be virgins? Or do you think there is a double standard there.

Any men's point of view would be appreciated.




  1. In my ethnicity, no..A lot of non-virgin Indian men expect their wives to be virgins, because that's just how it's supposed to be (in the culture's point of view, female virginity is extremely important and reflects the honor and status of the family, whereas a male's non-virginity can easily be overlooked.).

    I don't know about other backgrounds though.

  2. a man needs sexual contact from an early age, double standard yes, we find easy women,no problem,if there OK with it no big deal, but when you find someone you might consider marring, then you want someone better,more pure,you want the good girl. i wouldn't want to know how she became so dam good at that!

  3. My huaband was; I wasn't.  So, what life goes on.

  4. Not this day in age. I dont think so. Maybe 50 years ago. I hope my wife is a virgin because I am too. But then again, if shes not, she can give me instructions!

  5. No, and some never did.  

    Back in the days of the Old West, many men then married knowing their wives were not virgins: They knew some of the women had been widows, some had been "around the block a few times"  or made one single indiscretion and 'got caught' and then may had been sent West due to scandal back home or that some of the women may had even come out West with the intent of becoming prostitutes! Those women knew there was gold in them thar hills, but also gold to be gained from lying on their backs for the prospectors, too.

    The East Coast style of hyprocitical double standards passing as "morals" didn't kick in until long after the West was settled, and in some places, it still doesn't exist.

    There's an old California history rhyme that goes:

    The Miners came in '49

    The Whores in '51

    and when they got together,

    they produced The Native son.

  6. Not many unless the men themselves are planning on being virgins or amongst rather religious people.

    Personally I don't mind either way, so long as the woman hasn't slept with too many guys.

  7. Nope

  8. A man would be pleased if his bride-to-be was a virgin. A woman would be suspicious if her groom-to-be was a virgin. It's not a double standard at all since women don't want virgins.

  9. It depends on the men.  Jehovah's Witnesses for instance, impose the same standards of sexual purity on both men and women, but others give men more leeway.

  10. It's irrelevant.

  11. If he's a virgin himself, I see nothing wrong with it. I do have a problem with those who have had many sexual encounters but expect their wives to be virgins. I just think it's hypocritical on their part.

  12. The man has needs. But a woman can exercise restraint and so should stay a virgin.

  13. no i dont expect that...ive only ever dated/slept with one virgin. so i wouldn't expect that from a future wife.

  14. well i didn't care myself, but if they really want a virgin on there wedding night they better be one themselves, so they can learn together.

    i doubt they are though. sorry but i think that is how it is.

  15. I would rather have a woman who was experienced.

  16. not these days!!!

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