
Do you think that multiple lines at macdonalds are better or do you think that single lines would be better ad

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Do you think that multiple lines at macdonalds are better or do you think that single lines would be better ad




  1. Multiple lines gets my vote.  We have multiple drive-ups at my local McDonald's.  They actually demolished the old building and built this new one.  Previously, the drive-up line would be so long that it went into the regular street.  Now, the lines are shorter and faster.  I really like the double drive-up lines.

  2. I hate the people that use the outside lane, and then try to cut me off when I'm on the inside lane. Get over yourself, people! Will the extra 17 seconds really matter that much! I doubt the quarter pounder and fries will get THAT cold while you wait! Anyway, sorry I was venting a little!

  3. According to a recent QSR survey on drive-thru diners, speed,accuracy, and quality were the top three customer criteria for a successful drive-thru. If any one of these criteria could be enhanced without sacrificing the others by multiple lines then, yes, it would be better. Otherwise ,obviously not.

  4. Personally, I prefer the multiple lines. It does sometimes make it quicker, and if people follow the rule that you alternate lines when moving towards the window, then it is a good thing. It reduces backup into the parking lot, which is hazardous to people getting out of their cars to eat inside.

  5. Single lines are best. When you have multiple people taking orders and putting orders together thats when your food gets messed up.

  6. I think that single lines are better because if I remember right (working there like 5 years ago) unless things have changed they still only have 1 person taking orders!

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