
Do you think that my cat should go on vacation with us?

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mycat is only 4 years old and my parents have been hearing hings about how it isnt good to bring pets away with you on vacation. we are taking my cat on about an eight hour ride from new jersey to virginia.




  1. honestly i dont think you should bring you rcat along. he/she definatley will not enjoy the fact that it is stuck in a car and isnt able to roam around. cats like to be by themselves so if you want to bring it just because you dont want it to be lonely, dont worry cause they dont mind at all

  2. I don't know who you are going with but you might ask them. Also I don't know who is providing this information about your cat's psychological state to your parents. Most of what I have read would indicate the opposite. A new area foreign to the cat would not be restful for the cat or its owner most often. Depending now on how you are traveling cost is also a factor as to whether you would be able to keep your cat with you as well. there are a lot of things to check out before a sound decision can truly be made. If it is truly a vacation do you really want to take care of your cat the whold time you are on vacation. Pets while being extremely loving can also be very demanding as far as time and attention. If you love your pet beyond your ability to have fun by all means take your pet with you. If you want to have fun remember it is like taking a child with you. They require everything.

  3. well if you do take it don't let it out or it will try and find it's way back home. It probably best to just get a neigbour to feed it.

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