
Do you think that my parents will ever for give me?

by  |  earlier

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Well see what had happened was last night i was talking to two of my friends...we were on the phone from like let's seee...ummm..10:00pm to like mom came crashing into my room and caught me on the phone!..but when she was asking me if i was using my cell phone i stumbled a bit with my answer and i told her no the first time..then when she asked me again i said mom was so upset..i dont even think that she'll be talking to me for a good while!




  1. i'm sure by now she's used to you lying to her

  2. how old are you????

    what i stupid question!... I thought it was something more serious

  3. Wow, your mature!

  4. of course! she'll forgive you. just be extra good for them for a while

  5. Of course she will be fine. I bet she was pissed cause she was up at 3am. LOL

  6. Yes...Your Mother will forgive you...It was 3 A.M and I'm sure she got up from bed and wasn't too happy about it. Lesson learned...Lies gets you nowhere. Go give your Mom a hug and then maybe the two of you can sit and talk about phone use etc... Maybe there needs to be some house rules made clear so that doesn't happen again. Good luck!

  7. Oh come on... it’s just a bad row. She is angry now but if you tell her that you feel really sorry for it and that you will change this behaviour she will forget it pretty soon… and if she does not want to talk with you, well, that’s her problem and not yours I would say. Parents who refuse to talk with their children in order to make them feel miserable are mistreating them emotionally, no matter what the children have done or not done.

    Just show her that you change your attitude and that’s it.

  8. Such a cute question. She's actually already forgiven you. But, she has to wear her mom hat. It keeps you safe and "in-line".

    You'd better go to bed tonight. No cell!

  9. They'll eventually forget. Its okay its not like you did anything HORRIBLE! if its the money... just pay them back. just give them the money no questions

  10. Doesn't sound like much of a reason for her to be mad.  

  11. na.of course shell forgive ya .............

    as long as its a friend n not some adult chat.etc

    n next time make sure u speak d truth ...n tell her how sorry u r ..

    n hey guess uve broken a world record.....congrats

  12. Over time she will forgive you but you have to give her a reason to do it. I mean I have been in that situation before too,so trust me i know it first hand. Give her some time and maybe a little space..and you know helping her out a bit or doing just little things to brighten up her day might get you back on her good side haha. You never know but my suggestion to you is to just try and do things daily that will make her forget what you did and make her happy and DONT DO IT AGAIN! (i mean if shes that mad at you now, how will she be if you do it again??)

  13. don't worry pretty soon your mom will come to u and ask why u lied then she will forgive u

  14. Of course they will.

    They're your parents,

    no matter what you do they'll

    still love you. Unless their heartless idiots,

    which i'm sure they're not.


  15. your parents will forgive you..but you will need to earn their trust by following the rules that set up for you.

  16. The better question is: "Do you have any plans for changing your behavior so you'll DESERVE their forgiveness?"

  17. y do u think they wont forgive you?..

    theyr a lil annoyed thats it...theyll get over it

    if wut ur worried about is the bill, they'll get over it but

    mite give u some limits...i once got the phone bill up to $300

  18. yes, she will forgive!

    because no one in this world can love much more than a mother but you should go and ask her to forgive you too for telling a lie

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