
Do you think that nature speaks to us in symbols and signs, and through her pictures human fate divines?

by Guest60034  |  earlier

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Do you think that nature speaks to us in symbols and signs, and through her pictures human fate divines?




  1. Nature speaks to us in all languages But we tend to ignore these at Humanity expense. Look at Change is weather pattern , Flooding , earth Quakes .every time Nature Speaks we ignore Then Nature has to shout at us to listen.

  2. Great question!

    A person gets from a symbol the meaning he puts into, and what is one man's comfort and inspiration is another's jest and scorn.

    A symbol is a token which carries meaning, often an entire world of meaning, not necessarily because it resembles or portrays the thing symbolized, but because of the associations it raises in the mind of anyone who grasps its conventional significance.

    That's why in Christendom the cross remained a potent, indeed a magicm symbol, the mere gesturing of which was taken to bless, heal,protect and sanctify.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  3. Yes; however, GOD gave humans an ability to THINK, ANALYZE and render JUDGMENT; hence, human fate is NOT all together as divine as we'd like to suppose.

    GOD has a ministry lined up for each of us. Once we have completed that ministry our time is UP and we're out of here. Along the way some of us THINK ourselves into trouble by making bad judgments and we get to hitch hike back sooner than expected. It is believed that souls who DO NOT complete their ministry remain in a netherworld until their mission is complete.

  4. No. Human fate is determined by humans. Nature is an exciting part of our lives, but not the determining factor.

  5. and how do we speak to it ??

    I dunno...!!



  6. Think I'll just let that mystery be. I do believe that words are the weakest form of communication nature has devised and that she uses forms of communication we have no words for. Humans, however, love their words. Me, I find myself better able to "hear" the message if I ignore the temptation of words and just let the mystery be.

    All my life I've had serial dreams that I believe are direct communications from Nature. For example, for uncounted weeks, my dreams took me on detailed tours of ant colonies, including an ant's view of their neighbors in their subterranian world.  Another series was a tour of a West Texas coyote's world. Etc., etc. Based on these dreams, I do believe nature has little use for human language. Based on the extreme difficulty I have had translating these dreams, I can see why. Human language is extremely limited. Words can only recall experience. If you have never tasted a strawberry - or meandered an ant colony - my words cannot describe the experience for you. Attempting to do so fails to enlighten you and diminishes the experience for me.

  7. humans will always read what they want into nature and the world around them. this is an anthropocentric approach to life.

    anthropocentrism: regarding humankind as the most important/central part of existence.  

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