
Do you think that officials have handled Olympic events smoothly?

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Did anyone see the womens triathalon? Several officials stood by and watched the lead runner go the wrong way, then she had to jump the barrier. Gee she may have lost the race because of this. What about some of the decisions in the hockey and basketball? Then there is the point about the disqualification in last nights mens 200m and the fact that a lap of honour had been run before the news came to the forefront. And who can forget all the fiasco with the judging in the gymnastics and diving? What are your thoughts?




  1. terrible. on the first day, the cycling road race at one point didnt have the raod clearly marked and cyclists were left looking at officials for guidance. this should never happen at a meet of this level. i wont even mention the gymnastics. all favour to chinese gymnasts regardless whether they look 12 years old. the 200m was far enough but no official even bothered to go tell him and let him run a lap of embarrasment. i bet they just wanted to sit there and laugh at how clueless he was. i am chinese and as far as all chinese people i know, thats the chinese way. im very ashamed of that and glad to know i was raised in australia, away from prejudice and the desire to be PERFECT

  2. There is no fiasco with the judging in gymnastics, not unless you arrogantly and ignorantly believe that you know everything about the event even more than the IOC judges.  ie rating each athlete on number of mistakes and the landing.

    fuji is not chinese that's a japanese name, nice try but nobody is as ignorant as you

  3. Dang right. The suppressed people want to do a really good job. That is well documented. Their pride is on the line.

    And you better not get caught over there with one smidgeon of weed. You'll never come back.  I hate to even think what happens if they catch you with a gun. In the US, they slap your wrists and put you on probation.

  4. Horrible as always, any events that have some sort of judging have always some terrible calls. The only sports worth watching are the ones where there is an eletronic sensor doing the job or collective sports with well defined rules. Watching gimnastics and other judging based events will only make u pissed of, unless of course u r chinese :D

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